Friday, April 11, 2014

Not Forsaken

Psalm 27:10
10When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.
The psalm was written by David. David boldly stated his faith and belief in God to keep and protect him from those who wished to advance against him. The NKJ Study Bible gives the translation of this verse as, "God's love even transcends the love parents have for their children."
The story of some of the most famous, such as Jamie Foxx, is that they were not raised by their birth parents. Many other stars such Vin Diesel or Halle Berry make note that they either do not have a relationship with one parent or they don't know them at all. Many every day people have struggled with not having or knowing one or both parents. For some it is harder because they knew their parents but they were raised by others. There was a time when elders often said to those who were young having babies, "you're not old enough to raise a child." And that elder raised that child for them or they forced them to give them away to another relative entirely who was not so close by. Some may have been raised by a teenage parent just not necessarily by both or in the best of environments. I cannot help but think of the Bishop T.D. Jakes' film, Jumping the Broom, with Paula Patton who finds out the day of her wedding that her parents are not her biological parents. She was confused and felt as though she didn't know who she was. She didn't realize that she was exactly who she turned out to be. Whether she understood or not, God gave her what she needed. He didn't forsake her. I know personally, I spent many years in a single parent home and when I needed a father figure, God sent one. I miss him greatly since he has gone on to be with the Lord but I am grateful for what I had. It took me many years before I stopped focusing on what I wished happened and realized that God provided me with something great. I was looking for the ideal, the picture perfect that I saw on TV like The Cosby Show, Eight is Enough, Brady Brunch; something where the natural family was together and the love was evident. I did see love just not the way I envisioned. If I had the picture perfect, I know I would be a different person. I may not have had some of the experiences, but I also wouldn't be before you today. I was not forsaken and neither are you.  In our imperfect lives, God is glorified. Whatever you have survived, God can use to minister to others. See the challenges as strength and faith builders. In it He will show you that He did not turn away from you but that He was carrying you.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials!  You must register before April 18th in order to attend. I have had multiple inquiries over the months from those God has said it's time for them to write a book and/or it's been a goal. When the teleseminar is finished, you will know what to do. Now you will hear not only from me, but from those God blessed me to work with to help steer them in the right direction. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

God Sees

Luke 12:3
3Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.
The maker of Heaven and Earth is also a God who sees. He is Jehovah Roi. He sees even when no one else can see. And He hears all. Jesus told the disciples to beware of the leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees. He was talking of their hypocrisy. Just before Jesus' statement, the Pharisees and Sadducees had been questioning Jesus on many things. Unfortunately, it was not because they had a desire to learn from Him; rather, it was a strategy in order to trip him up and to see how they might trap Him. Jesus was aware of their deception and called it out. What does this mean to you?
Did you know that not everyone around you has your best interest? Did you know that some are upset because you have done something they haven't figured out how to do themselves? There are some who may speak flattering words to your face but in secret, they are not wishing you well. Some of these very people will question you on many things, not because they care to learn, but because they want to see what you really know and how they can stumble you. I have had the unfortunate experience of this. It is very hurtful, especially when you sincerely desire to do nothing but help others. What is said behind your back, God eventually allows it to be known whether through word or deed. He is Jehovah Roi so He sees every thought and every word uttered. He sees every dart thrown. He sees every attempt by them to make cunning moves. The scary part, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, they may even be people who are already popular. They just don't like the idea that your genuineness is dimming their spotlight. No matter what people plot in secret, Jesus said, it shall be made known. Do not fear. Do not worry. God, the Father, is watching over you.

P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials!  You must register before April 18th in order to attend. I have had multiple inquiries over the months from those God has said it's time for them to write a book and/or it's been a goal. When the teleseminar is finished, you will know what to do. Now you will hear not only from me, but from those God blessed me to work with to help steer them in the right direction. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Making the Choice

John 18:26
26One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of him whose ear Peter cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with Him?"
Remember Jesus already told Peter he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. And now someone who was familiar with what happened in the garden of Gethsemane and what Peter did called him on his association. Peter denied his association with Christ. Peter denied being by Jesus' side for three years. He denied walking, talking and breaking bread with Him. He denied even knowing Him. Peter denied his association with Jesus because he feared being persecuted by those who did not believe in Christ. Jesus had already said not to fear the one who kills the body but the one who has the ability to kill the body and the soul. We are vastly approaching Holy Week and things are happening around the world and in this country to those who associate themselves with Christ. A few days ago a Jesuit priest was murdered in cold blood at a monastery in Syria because he openly helped people and spoke against extremists tactics. The same priest worked and helped on behalf of many even those who were Islamic.  He was about spreading love and fulfilling the needs of others. Two priests and a nun were recently kidnapped in Cameron as they were assisting to educate the people on HIV/Aids. And in the state of Maryland, a county has deemed it unlawful to openly pray and refer to Christ.
Those of us in the United States have been arrogant once before in thinking that terrorists attacks would never hit our soil. We were all proved wrong on September 11th. Now we are dealing with issues of denying God and our Savior, Jesus Christ though our country was founded upon such principles. When the early church was created, there were many martyrs at the hands of emperors simply because they proclaimed to love and follow the teachings of Christ. Here's a question for you. Would you, like Peter, deny Christ if you were made to choose? Do you know that when you blatantly do the opposite of what the Holy Spirit has directed you, like Peter, you are denying Jesus? What if it meant having to disassociate with some people who want you to turn from Christ in order to be popular?  If you believe God to be who He says He is, then it would be better to fear God rather than man. Making the choice of who you will serve is an every day decision. Your life is at stake every day because the enemy of your soul wants you to deny your association with Christ.

P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at
on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials! You must register before April 18th in order to attend. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Walk Away

Proverbs 26:11
11As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
What a disgusting analogy! King Solomon described what happens after a dog vomits. You and I both know that when you vomit, your stomach has rejected something. Whatever you swallowed and attempted to digest did not agree with you and you could not hold it in your stomach. So, it comes back up and out of your mouth with gushing speed. By this time it has a stench and is not pretty to view. However, a dog uses its nose to sniff and will go back and sniff around that which did not agree with it. And just as King Solomon notes a dog does, so does a fool. A fool will go back and sniff around the very situation, behavior, thing or even person that is not good for them though there is a stench with it and has an unsightly view. A fool is defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as 1)a person who lacks sense or judgment; 2)jester; 3)dupe; 4)idiot. The knowledge God gave to King Solomon is that only an idiot will return to something that isn't good for them simply because they are devoid of good judgment. What stench of vomit have you sniffed around that you need to walk away from? Do you know that if you swallow it, it will not taste good and will make you vomit again? God will allow you to keep swallowing it and bringing it back up for a time. But each time you do it, you are damaging your own body and spirit.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at
on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials! You must register before April 18th in order to attend. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

Monday, April 7, 2014

It's More Than Energy

1Corinthians 12:4-5
4There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.
It is unfortunate that many in the body of Christ perish from a lack of knowledge. The sentiment overall is that information is only given as needed but when the body of Christ is not fully operational and possessing knowledge, then they can be tossed to and fro as stated in Ephesians 4. The apostle Paul offers the explanation before describing what is known as the charismatic gifts which is derived from the Greek word charismaton. The charismatic gifts as noted in the NJK Study Bible, "are not given according to our personal desires or productivity but sovereignty dispensed by God." Within the listing of these gifts is discerning of spirits. Now as believers in Christ who have adopted the Spirit of Christ, we all have some ability to discern or recognize the difference between good and evil. However, there are some who have a double portion of this gifting. Coupled with this gifting can be the mercy gift. Why is it important? There are some of you who have experienced things that you cannot explain and that have not been explained to you. With the mercy gift, as documented on, an additional administration of this gift is to discern the emotional and spiritual needs of others. It may cause you to know how and what a person is feeling though they never speak. For every gift given to a believer in Christ is from the Spirit of God within our Savior Jesus Christ. It was the mercy gift that allowed Jesus to help those who were afflicted. It was the mercy gift that allowed Jesus to have deep compassion for and even weep Himself. What does this mean to you? In order to uplift, encourage and even intercede in prayer on the behalf of others, God may show you the emotional state someone is in. For some of you, it may mean literally feeling the physical manifestation of the love, tears, anger, worry, nervousness, distress, etc of another. You may even be able to understand when a place is full of evil spirits though you cannot explain but there may be a physical manifestation within your own body that carries the pain. All of these things mentioned are the coupling of the discerning of spirits and the mercy gift. The administration of the two differs in each believer. No, you did not ask for these giftings, but God decided you are to use them to intercede, stand in the gap or pray without ceasing for others for those who may not or are unwilling to approach the throne of the Heavenly Father. The coupling of these giftings may even cause some to not venture out of their homes. The author, Ms. Carol Brown calls it in her book, "The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity," burden bearing as we are called to do so in Galatians 6:2. Please know you are not alone. You are not crazy and it is more than, "feeling the energy in the room." You must not deny the Holy Spirit and the miracles of Christ so call them as they are. You must continue to operate in society as a productive member so that God can use you as He deems. You cannot run or hide from these gifts because you do not have to be in the same room or place with a person. The gifts, transcend beyond miles. If you recall, Jesus did not have to be physically in a room with someone, He only spoke a word. For example the servant of the centurion in Luke 7:7. You can speak a word of encouragement as directed by God that can heal just as Jesus spoke a word and a person was healed. Do not fear. Be of good courage and peace as our Lord says.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered! You must register before April 18th in order to attend. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!