Wednesday, April 29, 2015

G + E= R

Genesis 2:15
15Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
The NKJV Study Bible translates this verse as "Labor was instituted before the Fall, not as the result of the curse. The Study Bible goes on to say that "tend" carries the idea of service. The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines tend as 1) to apply oneself, 2) to take care of, 3) to manage the operations of. Adam was given the command by God to manage the operations of the garden of Eden or to apply himself, take care of. That's work. Psalm 104:28 says What You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they are filled with good. To "gather" is an action verb meaning to pick, collect. God is still the source just as He was in the garden of Eden but there is a component that man/woman must provide called work. The apostle Paul warned against idleness in 2 Thessalonians 3 saying if anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. The word says in Deuteronomy 8 that God gives the power to get wealth. Again, there is an action verb "get" which means to fetch, obtain, gain.
We are in a society that heavily advocates getting more for less or obtaining more with less effort. The fact is that effort or work must still be applied in some form. God provides but still commands you and I to put forth some type of effort. Not because He can't do it without us because honestly, He can. It's more about understanding the value. If you never have to work for or at anything, how will you grow? How will you acquire new skills? How will you learn? A parent teaches a child how to go from crawling to walking. But it still requires the child to take some steps. A child can only be physically carried for so long. What happens when a parent gets tired of holding a child that can walk? They put them down and force them to walk.  It's the same with you and I. Having to work or put forth effort is a method of teaching. If you do not desire to learn, you will stand still. If you do not desire to put forth effort, then you will not be able reap anything. Galatians 5 talks about the law of reaping and sowing. What you put in is what you will get out of it. If you do not desire to put forth effort to work at whatever it is, do not expect the best of the best. God (G) + Effort (E) = Results (R).

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Special Event: White House Prayer 2015 Book Fair

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
I pray that all is well with you. I know many of you are praying about the Charm City- Baltimore. On a positive note, I hope that in the atmosphere that we remember the White House National Day of Prayer is this Saturday, May 2nd. An additional portion has been added to it: A Book Fair. Many Christian authors will be on the White House Ellipse this Saturday. I will be one of them. I hope to see you face to face, to hug, smile, laugh and most importantly to pray together. I hope you will join me.