Ecclesiastes 12:14
14For God will bring every deed into judgement,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
King Solomon was full of wisdom from God. Even the Queen of Sheba had to see for herself who this man was that he should possess such wisdom. Wisdom is of God. But did you know that God sees everything we do? He knows are thoughts, he hears what we say but he also knows what we do and don't do. Even if done where man cannot see, God can see. Everything we do, He will judge it. We know the difference between right and wrong. But we don't always practice it. We know when we ought to do something but don't do it. Whether it's laziness or rebellion, God knows. If we think that because man is not present when our acts are done, it doesn't mean that they're any less incorrect. Just like the tree that falls in the forest and man is not around, it still makes a sound. Man may not be present but other living creatures exist in the forest. Whatever is done in secret, God will reveal. God knows not just our actions but even the motives behind the actions. Never lie to man thinking no one will ever know. Someone already does. In the New Testament, Jesus told the woman at the well everything she ever did and what she was doing at that present moment though it was their first face to face meeting. Have you encountered Him yet?
P.S. Now you can catch Get Your JOY In The Morning on the Artist to Artist Show on on Saturdays 8:30am CT, 2:30 and 8:30pm CT. You can also catch Get Your JOY In The Morning as the inspirational corner Sunday-Wednesday on the Leap of Faith Show at every hour on the hour starting at 6am ET.
Get Your JOY In The Morning!LLC, a Media Company uses books, films, plays, music and radio as a way to communicate the message of faith, healing and finding purpose. It is meant to encourage, inspire, uplift and bring one to reflection. It is through faith that one finds purpose and healing.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Misinterpreted Role
John 6:15
15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
Jesus had just finished performing the miracle of feeding more than five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish. His miraculous sign was more than enough for those present to recognize that Jesus was indeed the messiah. But they misinterpreted his role as the messiah and what he came to do. The followers attempted to place Jesus in a role less than what he was outfitted for. A ruler is of course a huge role to take on but compared to who Jesus was and is, well, there is no comparison. Like the followers, we sometimes mistake the roles people play in our lives. We attempt at outfitting them with a role not great enough or maybe even a role beyond what they're made for. In either case, the role doesn't fit the purpose. When that happens, one must do what Jesus did. He withdrew. Jesus' time of withdrawal was often for prayer and meditative purposes. What a great example when one is up against being placed in a role that is not God-ordained. What roles are you currently in? Are they properly outfitted for you? Have you asked God? You may find that His answer differs. Truthfully, His answer is the only one that matters because He created you and knows what roles are made for you.
15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
Jesus had just finished performing the miracle of feeding more than five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish. His miraculous sign was more than enough for those present to recognize that Jesus was indeed the messiah. But they misinterpreted his role as the messiah and what he came to do. The followers attempted to place Jesus in a role less than what he was outfitted for. A ruler is of course a huge role to take on but compared to who Jesus was and is, well, there is no comparison. Like the followers, we sometimes mistake the roles people play in our lives. We attempt at outfitting them with a role not great enough or maybe even a role beyond what they're made for. In either case, the role doesn't fit the purpose. When that happens, one must do what Jesus did. He withdrew. Jesus' time of withdrawal was often for prayer and meditative purposes. What a great example when one is up against being placed in a role that is not God-ordained. What roles are you currently in? Are they properly outfitted for you? Have you asked God? You may find that His answer differs. Truthfully, His answer is the only one that matters because He created you and knows what roles are made for you.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
What Are You Holding?
Psalm 18:2
2The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
What a beautiful song David sang unto the Lord for delivering him from his enemies. The most pleasing sound to God is that of praises being sung to him with a sincere heart. David knew that it was only by the Lord's hand that he was saved from those who meant him harm. David calls the Lord his rock. A rock is considered to be stable and is a perfect analogy for the Lord. He is stable. The Lord is a shield. For he can bounce the spears of the enemy so that they fall to the ground. A fortress protects. The Lord protects us like a fortress. He's the horn. He's the lead and the head, the driving force of our salvation. He's the stronghold. He holds us together and binds us to him. Is the Lord your rock? Is the Lord your fortress and deliverer? Is he your shield and the horn of your salvation? Is the Lord your stronghold? Or is something else holding you? Are you holding on to something else insisting that it's your rock? He's the only one that won't leave you.
2The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
What a beautiful song David sang unto the Lord for delivering him from his enemies. The most pleasing sound to God is that of praises being sung to him with a sincere heart. David knew that it was only by the Lord's hand that he was saved from those who meant him harm. David calls the Lord his rock. A rock is considered to be stable and is a perfect analogy for the Lord. He is stable. The Lord is a shield. For he can bounce the spears of the enemy so that they fall to the ground. A fortress protects. The Lord protects us like a fortress. He's the horn. He's the lead and the head, the driving force of our salvation. He's the stronghold. He holds us together and binds us to him. Is the Lord your rock? Is the Lord your fortress and deliverer? Is he your shield and the horn of your salvation? Is the Lord your stronghold? Or is something else holding you? Are you holding on to something else insisting that it's your rock? He's the only one that won't leave you.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Crossroad of Moving On
Acts 2:36-37
36"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"
The apostle Peter, who was witness to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, addressed a crowd to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. In doing so, the words given to him while preaching "cut to the heart" of the listeners. Cut to the heart actually refers to guilt. It is guilt or knowledge of one's incorrect actions that brings a person to the place remorse. If one doesn't realize the implications or consequences of their actions then guilt will never be part of the equation. Guilt often brings a person to a crossroad. The crossroad is a decision that must be made. The decision usually involves going back and resolving what's happened or to move forward and apply the knowledge that's been shared. But what about forgiveness of the act committed that caused the guilt? In the case of the crowd, Peter told them what was next. And what came next for them was to acknowledge Christ for who He is. The resolve from guilt today is the same which is to repent and be baptized. But what if you're already baptized? Then you can ask the Lord to forgive you. And He will. As long as you confess to Him and sincerely desire to do what is right in His eyes. If you are still filled with guilt consider that your guilt is self-inflicted. If you do not allow yourself to move on, the enemy has you right where he wants you. As long as you are immobile, then you'll never have peace of mind. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. If you don't move on, then you never grasp what the Lord has for you and you lose hope.
36"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"
The apostle Peter, who was witness to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, addressed a crowd to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. In doing so, the words given to him while preaching "cut to the heart" of the listeners. Cut to the heart actually refers to guilt. It is guilt or knowledge of one's incorrect actions that brings a person to the place remorse. If one doesn't realize the implications or consequences of their actions then guilt will never be part of the equation. Guilt often brings a person to a crossroad. The crossroad is a decision that must be made. The decision usually involves going back and resolving what's happened or to move forward and apply the knowledge that's been shared. But what about forgiveness of the act committed that caused the guilt? In the case of the crowd, Peter told them what was next. And what came next for them was to acknowledge Christ for who He is. The resolve from guilt today is the same which is to repent and be baptized. But what if you're already baptized? Then you can ask the Lord to forgive you. And He will. As long as you confess to Him and sincerely desire to do what is right in His eyes. If you are still filled with guilt consider that your guilt is self-inflicted. If you do not allow yourself to move on, the enemy has you right where he wants you. As long as you are immobile, then you'll never have peace of mind. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. If you don't move on, then you never grasp what the Lord has for you and you lose hope.
Monday, September 12, 2011
At a Stand Still
Jeremiah 15:19a
Therefore this is what the Lord says:
"If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
Jeremiah the prophet fell into a place of grievance with God. He was not only angry with God because the Lord showed him the coming destruction of Jerusalem. Jeremiah was angry because no matter how much he warned the people, they wouldn't listen to him. As a matter of fact, Jeremiah became the subject of much ridicule and suffering for bringing the Lord's message to the people. Jeremiah was a man called into the prophetic ministry of the Lord. He was used to communicate to the people the Lord's direction and judgement. For his service for the people, he was not honored. But the Lord knew Jeremiah's suffering. What Jeremiah did was not only to doubt God but assume he didn't care what happened to him. The Lord asked Jeremiah to repent and he would restore him to the call He placed over Jeremiah's life. Why is this important? Jeremiah's heart was going against what God desired of him? Have we gone against what God desires for us? Have we gone against God? Like Jeremiah, if we repent, God will restore us. If we repent God can renew our call for anything He desires for us to do in Him. We must know that when we are not in right standing with our Lord, life can be at a stand still. No matter how much we try, the only way to move forward is to repent and be restored by God.
Therefore this is what the Lord says:
"If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
Jeremiah the prophet fell into a place of grievance with God. He was not only angry with God because the Lord showed him the coming destruction of Jerusalem. Jeremiah was angry because no matter how much he warned the people, they wouldn't listen to him. As a matter of fact, Jeremiah became the subject of much ridicule and suffering for bringing the Lord's message to the people. Jeremiah was a man called into the prophetic ministry of the Lord. He was used to communicate to the people the Lord's direction and judgement. For his service for the people, he was not honored. But the Lord knew Jeremiah's suffering. What Jeremiah did was not only to doubt God but assume he didn't care what happened to him. The Lord asked Jeremiah to repent and he would restore him to the call He placed over Jeremiah's life. Why is this important? Jeremiah's heart was going against what God desired of him? Have we gone against what God desires for us? Have we gone against God? Like Jeremiah, if we repent, God will restore us. If we repent God can renew our call for anything He desires for us to do in Him. We must know that when we are not in right standing with our Lord, life can be at a stand still. No matter how much we try, the only way to move forward is to repent and be restored by God.
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