Saturday, August 4, 2018


Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come bearing GREAT NEWS!! You guessed it! "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep" the stage production is coming back this FALL!!! Are you excited?!?! WE ARE!! The show received awesome reviews and standing ovations!!! Please pay attention to which show you are purchasing tickets for when you visit our website. And it's not a holiday weekend!!! It's September 29-30th!  If you didn't see us in May, this is your chance!! If you did see us in May, and really wished a family member or friend had been with you because the message of healing and hope from verbal and emotional abuse was so powerful, then I encourage YOU to bring them with YOU or gift them with tickets! Tickets available online ONLY at Don't forget to view our Gallery!! We look forward to using laughter and drama to spread a positive message!!!

Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are available. We are indeed grateful for Rent-A-Center Laurel for their sponsorship again.

Be part of the healing movement!
