Isaiah 40:13
Who has understood the mind of the Lord,
or instructed him as his counselor?
Have you ever attempted to give the Lord "advice" on how to bring you out of your situation? The Lord used the prophet Isaiah to bring comfort to his people. But its difficult to be comforted by one that the people didn't trust fully. Unfortunately, many of us are like the people of Israel. We are looking for comfort but because we don't fully trust the Lord, we either begin to dictate to the Lord what we believe will bring us comfort or even turn to idols that cannot measure up to the Lord. As the prophet Isaiah asked a relevant rhetorical question, we must ask the same question of ourselves. Since the Lord created heaven and earth, knew exactly how the body should be built and created the most magnificent scenery within the earth, do you really think he needs your guidance on how to handle a situation? Now we can submit our requests but we ought to remember that everything must be according to his will or it will always be second best. Maybe you wanted that motorcycle you've passed by everyday but the Lord said no. Do you know there's a reason for it? Maybe the kick stand is loose or the reserve tank has a hole in it. Or could simply be that there's an emergency about to come up and you're going to need that money for something else. Whatever the reason, trust God enough to know best. Let him be the guide as our power is limited only to what he determines we ought to have.
P.S. Remember, if you live in the DC/MD area you can obtain a copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning from John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, MD otherwise it can be ordered at any online bookstore or special ordered via Borders, Books-A-Million, Family Christian, Cokesbury and Barnes and Noble.