Matthew 26:75
75And Peter remembered the word
of Jesus who had said to him, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny
Me three times." So he went out and wept bitterly.
was a proud fisherman who had a temper, mouth and who wasn't afraid to
live by the sword when necessary. Peter did not choose Jesus, Jesus
chose Peter. And Jesus once told Peter that he would build his church.
Peter spent three years with Jesus. When Jesus said He would be going
away soon and how it was what had to happen, Peter's proud behavior took
over and he stated Jesus wasn't going anywhere. But Jesus rebuked him
because he was speaking against what God commanded. So when Peter
realized Jesus really had to go he was the first to stand up and say, "I
will go with you". Jesus gave a word of how Peter would deny Him, how
many times he would do it and by when. Sure enough, when Jesus was
falsely accused and taken into custody, Peter claimed "he didn't know
the man" three times when asked by three different people. When Peter
realized the word Jesus gave came to pass, he wept in pain.
is a man that does not and cannot lie. For it is against His very
nature. Peter was one who did whatever he needed to do. Sometimes that
is dangerous. Because it can mean even lying to save face. But when the
word came to pass, Peter was what we call in the "Kingdom of God"
convicted. Convicted means to prove or find guilty as Merriam-Webster's
Dictionary defines. The Holy Spirit will do that the minute you and I do
something we know is off or know not to do. Even if the words come from
the mouth of a person, what you and I feel inside doesn't come from
them, but rather what we already know to be right and true.
think the story should end there. But GOD! Jesus died on that cross for
our guilt also known as sin. And He arose three days later so that you
and I can be redeemed. But to be redeemed means you and I must admit the
fault and guilt. When Jesus met up with the disciples later, He
redeemed Peter. Peter did not feel worthy of it which is a sign of
humility. The proud behavior Peter once had, was now broken in him. And
Jesus could then use Peter the way He needed to use him.
you a Peter? Jesus can still use you. He will show you who you are but
also show you that He still loves you. You just have to be humble enough
to admit you've been wrong.