4Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering.
Franklin asked for respect. The love was already there, but what she
wanted was the respect. Cain killed because he coveted the same level of
respect Abel received from God. So many people are looking for love and
respect. The Lord loved both Cain and Abel but it was Abel who was
respected because he gave God his best. Cain didn't give God his best
but he wanted God to respect him as though he did. I counted in the
concordance at the back of my Bible the number of times love and it's
derivatives of lovely, loved and lovingkindness were mentioned. The
total was 61. 6 +1=7 which is representative of God's perfect number.
And the Word says that perfect love cast out fear. I also counted
respect and it's derivative respected and there were only 3 references. 3
represents the number of completion in God. His word also says that we
are to respect those in authority. So love and respect is what makes any
relationship whether romantic, family, friend or professional complete.
Many love but not everyone respects. Love and respect must be mutual.
Some equate respect with a title or station in life. But as we see in
the news, the life of others isn't respected. Love and respect are not
mutually exclusive. If they were, Jesus wouldn't have needed to say love
thy neighbor as thyself. If you love and respect, you are less likely
to give and do less than what is considered trustworthy. Parents and
children whether young or old fight for respect. A son or daughter may
know you love them but do you respect their right to make their own
choice? A father or mother wants the respect of being full of wisdom of
knowledge for their life experience and bringing you into this world. A
friend who has been by your side and loved you wants to know you respect
them enough not to betray or hurt them. A business relationship or
contract is carried through because the respect of both parties is seen
as important. For it is the lack of respect that actually breaches
I had a conversation with a dear friend whom I
love and respect and we discussed this issue. Some do not respect
because they see you as lesser than. It is in this thinking that people
do not give their best to God nor to man. They esteem themselves about
all when Jesus said to love others as we love ourselves. It is in this
love that we will also seek to respect regardless station or title, have
or have not. They are basic human needs that God created in each of us.
Seek to love and respect others.