Friday, June 17, 2011

You'll Get It Later

John 13:7
Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

How many times have you not realized what God was doing? This question is probably one we could all identify with but for Jesus to make the statement to the disciples just prior to the foot washing was not only be symbolic but it would characterize the entire three years the disciples spent with Jesus. It was the Passover week and Jesus was coming to the end of his physical presence with the disciples. He was preparing them yet again to carry on without him. No matter how many times Jesus said, "you will not always have me" or "I am going away", the disciples didn't get it.

And what does Jesus' statement have to do with us? Everything! We, like the disciples may not realize what the Lord is doing in the atmosphere, people around us or even within us individually but we usually get it later after it all comes together. It's like working on a huge puzzle and one hasn't seen the front of the box to view the finished product. All they know is to look for the pieces that fit together and connect them. Even halfway through the puzzle it may look one way but it's not until three quarters of the way to completion that it all makes sense. It's like having an "aha" moment. It's at that time the Lord has taken the blinders off so we can see his surprise. Does something feel different to you in the atmosphere but you can't put your finger on it? Are you getting the feeling like something is different in you or even others around you? You're right! The Lord is creating another surprise. Don't worry, just follow Jesus and you'll get it later.

P.S. Be sure to tune in on Father's Day, Sunday morning, June 19th at 8:45am as I will be interviewed live by Stubbs on Callers are welcome and we will be giving away one free autographed copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning! CHECK OUT THE PROMO VIDEO-

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Your Path

Psalm 16:11a
You have made known to me the path of life;

Do you know your path in life? Young David made a plea to God in this Psalm. According to the NIV Study Bible, David needed protection from the threat of death. Can you imagine being threatened with death? See David had been anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the next king of Israel. If David had not already been aware of his path, the threat of death by King Saul would have overwhelmed to the point of complete despair and mistrust in God. David's path had already been laid out to him by God. So to believe whatever else he saw would've been exactly what the enemy wanted, to instill FEAR  which is simply "False Evidence Appearing Real". Not that the threat from King Saul wasn't real, because it was, but the Lord is sovereign.

Have you inquired of God what your path and purpose is? If you haven't, you can. The greatest path to purpose is growing in one's faith in God. That's what David did and he was blessed beyond measure for it. And if you have inquired of God and he has made known to you your path, then just because it doesn't look like it to you right now doesn't mean that it won't be so. How much more will you believe God then the enemy? How much more will you believe the repeated lies by man that you are nothing? To God, you are everything! You are his precious jewel because he made you. Since he made you, he created a path especially for you. All you have to do is tune into the Lord.

What GOD has for you is for you.

P.S. Be sure to tune in on Father's Day, Sunday morning, June 19th at 8:45am as I will be interviewed live by Stubbs on Callers are welcome and we will be giving away one free autographed copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning! CHECK OUT THE PROMO VIDEO-

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not As Bad As It Looks

Luke 8:52
52 Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.”
Have you ever heard "it's not as bad as it looks?" Jesus went to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jairus. Jairus' daughter had died while he was out seeing Jesus asking for him to heal her. When Jesus arrived at the home everyone was weeping over her body. Jesus did the same as he did with Lazarus. He raised the daughter from the dead. But before doing so he told everyone to stop wailing. Now it's a human emotion and very natural one to weep over the passing of a loved one. But Jesus wanted them to know it wasn't as bad as it looked. But don't we get that way for less moving situations? We start wailing and crying. Have you ever heard someone tell you in the mist of your wailing, "oh it's not that bad?" What was your response? Were you offended because it made you feel better to have a pity party? Or did you stop and think that maybe the person had a point? In the mist of your wailing, has the Holy Spirit ever spoken to you to stop crying? If so, chances are because whatever the situation, it would only be temporary like that of Jairus' daughter. There doesn't always have to be a physical death for people to wail. We wail over a lot situations and things we can't control. Did you ever think, "if I give it to the Lord he'll fix it or show me what to do?" If you haven't, you may want to because the load would be a lot less to carry. And  like Jesus did with those who loved Jairus' daughter, you may hear the words, "stop wailing."  It will be because it's temporary. Though it may not seem like it, in most cases, it really is.

P.S. Be sure to tune in on Father's Day, Sunday morning, June 19th as I will be interviewed live by Stubbs on Callers are welcome and we will be giving away one free autographed copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning! CHECK OUT THE PROMO VIDEO-

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lay It Down

Psalm 25:7
Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.

What mistakes have you made in your youth? David was suffering from affliction for his sins but sought God's mercy. David, though the man after God's heart, made mistakes. Once upon a time he sought what didn't belong to him and with it came consequences for many years for his family. We all make mistakes. But like David, do we acknowledge that we've messed up and ask God for forgiveness? Or are we still covering it up? Which  is what David did in the beginning. We can't hide anything from God because he already knows. What God wants from us is for us to open our mouths and acknowledge to Him what we've done. But out of pride, many of us don't. Unfortunately, some of us are still repeating the same mistakes of our youth because we've never stopped to understand that the problem isn't always external, but might be internal. Sometimes it's us that needs to change before the external circumstances change.

What mistakes have you made in your youth that you find you are still making? Or rather what results were you receiving in your youth that you still receive now? It may be time to lay the behavior down before God and say, "I know longer want this or desire to do this. Have mercy on me Lord and show me how to be the person you want me to be." When you ask earnestly with the faith that you will receive, know that it is done.

P.S. Please be sure to tune in on Father's Day, Sunday, June 19th as I will be interviewed live by Stubbs on Callers are welcome and we will be giving away one free autographed copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning! CHECK OUT THE PROMO VIDEO-

Monday, June 13, 2011

What Are the Crowds Saying?

Luke 9:20
20 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”    Peter answered, “The Christ[a] of God.”

Has the Lord told you who you are? Jesus prayed with disciples but he asked them who the crowds said he was. Several of the disciples gave answers to what they heard in the crowd. But when Jesus turned to the spokesman of the disciples, he answered what they knew to be true and only revealed to them by God himself. The crowds only speculated but they would come to know in time who Jesus really was. But the ones that needed to know indeed knew. If the disciples relied on the crowds' speculation, which was not correct, then Jesus ' ministry could've died right there. In order for his ministry to live on, the disciples had to know for themselves who Jesus was.

What do the crowds say about you? Do they speculate as to who they think you are? Are they even on target in their thinking? But more importantly, the people that God wants to know, has it been revealed to them? Whoever the LORD deems you to be is who you are. What the crowds say is only speculation. But those who God wants to show will know.  And it will only by him that they know. Again, has the Lord told you who you are? Is your life lining up with who he said you are? If you don't know who you are, know that the only the Lord can define what he has created. The appropriate man or woman will only confirm.

What an exciting night with the Debs In Christ of Celebration Church!!  I had a lovely time as the keynote speaker at the Annual Debutante Ball!  The Holy Spirit was evident throughout the entire program!! Also, please be sure to tune in on Father's Day, Sunday, June 19th at 8:45am as I will be interviewed live by Stubbs on Callers are welcome and we will be giving away one free autographed copy of Get Your JOY In The Morning!