Psalm 112:6
6Surely he will never be shaken, a righteous man will be remembered forever.
112 is a eulogy for a godly man as noted in the NIV Study Bible. Have
you ever thought about what will be said about you? This is not an
attempt to be morbid but one not often thought about until one is close
to the end of their time. It would make more sense to think now and live
that way now than to wait until it is all over and there is no time
left. Have you ever thought about how your family, friends and
colleagues would remember you? Will you be remembered for being a godly
man or woman who treats people as Christ desired? Will you be remembered
for having unshakable faith? Will you be remembered for helping and
caring deeply for the needs of others? Will you be remembered for having
raised awesome children who go forth in the land? Will you be
remembered for long after you leave here as one who was always happy?
Will you be remembered FOREVER with love?
P.S. I know you haven't received messages all week but I BLESS GOD for rest!!!