Matthew 27:39-40
39And those who passed by blasphemed Him wagging their heads 40and saying, "You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross."
Today is Good Friday because it was today that Jesus laid down His life. Many would question why today would be considered "Good." The prophet Samuel once told King Saul, "obedience is better than sacrifice." Crucifixion is a slow and painful death because it is death by asphyxiation. The translation of scriptures given by the NKJ Study Bible says, "Jesus stayed on the Cross because He was the Son of God obeying His Father. Had Jesus saved Himself, He would not have been able to save others. The Resurrection demonstrated God's powerful work in His Son." If Jesus saved Himself from the cross, we would've been the sheep thrown to the slaughter. If Jesus had thought only of Himself, none of us would be here. His obedience meant grace and mercy for us and a connection to God the Father directly. And this is why we recognize it as "Good Friday." Thank you Jesus for your obedience!! Jesus did not fear death because He prepared the disciples for it for months. The NKJ Study Bible denotes the separation from God, being cursed as what He prayed relief from. Jesus allowed Himself to be separated from God so we didn't have to be any longer. My God! Imagine your life without God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then think again about why today is Good.
As solemn as today is, better news is on the way because Jesus picked up His life again on the third day! Jesus is the temple referred to above. He conquered death! HALLELUJAH!!
P.S. For those of you who expressed interest in the teleseminar and have asked individually for assistance but cannot attend tomorrow for some reason, you can email me and we can discuss arrangements for the near future along with the consulting fee.