John 11:4
Sometimes, God has to allow
things to get to the point where they look like they can't be salvaged,
so HE will get the glory. If you could fix it in your timing so there is
no trouble, you'd do it right? But then, who gets the recognition?
Certainly, not God. No one likes the pressure point of any situation.
Jesus was with the disciples when He learned
about Lazarus being ill. Jesus took His time. Not because HE didn't
love Lazarus, for it is written that Jesus loved him. But Lazarus had to
suffer. Lazarus had to suffer so others would believe that when he came
out, it was nobody but by the son of God. Lazarus had to suffer to the
point of death, so the faith of others would increase. Has GOD ever
allowed things to look so bleak in an area of your life? Has GOD ever
allowed something to look like it couldn't be turned around? Sometimes
your suffering isn't for you. The word talks about us comforting others
in the way we have been comforted. It's so the people around you can
have belief when GOD does show up. When Jesus did show up and called
Lazarus by name to get up, he did. Close calls are not by accident.
himself had to endure the negative pressure of being blamed for
something he didn't do and being sentenced to death for it, so that so
many of us would believe in His existence when He broke free of death.
The word talks about patience in suffering. Would you suffer willingly,
if it meant others would believe who GOD is and what HE is doing in your
life? Some may say yes. But even Jesus asked for the cup of suffering
to be removed. No one likes this part of the journey. The part of the
journey where you have to look like the fool and be hurt until GOD
delivers. But how would anyone know GOD is in control if they didn't
have to see you look like you've been knocked down for the last time?
next time you are at a pressure point, instead of asking God, "why me,"
ask, "besides me, who is it that you want to reveal your presence to?"
You may be surprised.