Friday, February 17, 2012

Is The Truth In You?

1John 2:5-6
5But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 6Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

The apostle John made it clear, if we say we love Jesus then we need to obey his word. Jesus said he is the way, the truth and the life. So if we say we love Jesus then we must be willing to obey his word. But how can one obey the word of God if one doesn't know it? Too many say "I love the Lord." But Jesus said it himself that everyone that says Lord, Lord will not enter heaven. All must be willing to learn God's word. 2Timothy 2:15 says we must show ourselves approved. We have to learn it for ourselves. The word also says in Hosea 4:6 that people perish for a lack of knowledge. So one not willing to grow in Christ is perishing of their own will. John says in verse 4 that the truth is not in one who won't obey. So if truth is not in one, then it means lies are. The opposite of truth is lie. Since Jesus is the truth and Satan is the father of lies, the conclusion can only be that one is either a child of God or a child of Satan. Is the truth in you?

P.S.  Yes I know there was no message yesterday. I had to be silent. Please note that I will be interview on Blog Talk Radio's Social Networking for Women by Bernadine Feagins at 12pm ET. Here's the press release:  And be sure to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show this Saturday on at 8am CT, 2pm CT and 8pm CT.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Right In Front of Your Face

Proverbs 14:15
15A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.

We cannot believe everything as the wise King Solomon said. Being too easily persuaded is exactly what the enemy counts on. We must know the truth. If we are ever in doubt of the truth, the Lord will make it clear for us if we ask him. Everything said and done is not always true. Some will deceive in order to cloud the truth. That's why it's important to have a discerning heart from the Lord. The enemy comes to kill steal and destroy so smoke and mirrors or distractions are always used in order to keep the truth hidden. The enemy of our souls uses our weaknesses as distractions. As long as we are focused on the distractions we miss the very thing the Lord wants us to see that the enemy of our souls does not. What the enemy doesn't want us to see is actually the blessing from the Lord. Whatever the Lord has said is your truth. Whatever steps the Lord said to take, take them. Believe only the Lord's voice not the serpent that conned Adam and Eve with doubt which led to disobedience when the Lord made it clear. Your blessing is right in front of your face.

P.S.  Remember to check out my live interview on Blog Talk Radio's Social Networking for Women with Bernadine Feagins on Monday, February 20th at 12pm ET at Thank you so much to the Church Beat Radio family for you continued support at And thank you to the Leap of Faith Network at as well as the Artist to Artist Show on

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Spirit of Peace

Colossians 3:15
3Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

The apostle Paul's letter to the church of Colosse detailed many things about false teachings (heresies) that were spreading. But Paul also spoke of the type of attitude one ought to have. As followers of Christ we are to walk, talk and act with peace as Jesus throughout His ministry. Jesus certainly taught peace but he lived it as well. Many claim to have peace but do the claims line up? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines peace as:

1: a state of calm or quiet; esp public security under law 2: freedom from disturbing thoughts or emotions 3. a state of concord (as between persons or governments); also: an agreement to end hostilities.

Is one always looking for disagreements? Is one always spewing hatred? These are not the signs of peace but to the contrary describe more of a heart and spirit not at peace. But the question is why? Bitterness is rooted in one desiring to cause harm or pain. One feeling wronged in some way. One not at peace has not fully dealt with a problem. We are to have a peaceful disposition with everyone we encounter. How else are we to show the love of Christ? But if one is unable or unwilling to do so then the love of Christ that brings peace is not present. Being thankful also requires a peaceful spirit. An inability to be thankful still has roots in bitterness because in order to be ungrateful one must have determined they were owed something. When people meet you what do they say about you? Is there a genuine presence of peace or is there a bitterness that is tasted?

P.S. Yes it's Valentine's Day but one day out of 365 to affirm the love you have for the person the Lord has blessed you with is not enough. Affirming love as often as one can is important because tomorrow is not promised for either. More importantly, Jesus ought to be our FIRST love. God is love and he loving gave up Jesus for you and me. Jesus willingly shed His blood and bears our burdens when He had the power to command the angels to come to His aide. After His resurrection Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?" Is Jesus asking you the same the question? Let us show our love to Jesus more than just one day a week or year.  He is the first example of pure sacrificial love.

Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Network at!

Monday, February 13, 2012

When He's At His Strongest

Psalm 25:4
4Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;

David was enduring yet another affliction. In the psalm, David not only asked God to protect him but he said he trust the Lord. David as king had many enemies. He had many who reveled at a slight chance of his failing. But when we are weak, that's when the Lord is at His strongest. For that's when we stop doing things in our own strength and hold fast to the Lord''s hand. David asked the Lord to show him His ways and teach him His paths. The Lord said it in Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways." But if we don't stop to look to the Lord we will never understand which path we need to take. So many of us take the wrong path because we leave the Lord out of the decision. But what if the Lord's decision is different from yours you say? The answer is in verse 10 of the psalm "All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful." It means the Lord's way is always the BEST way. He sees what we cannot in our finite minds. He sees down the road what that wrong path or choice will bring. So the Lord gladly gives the right path to those who want to see. Do you want to see? Do you want Him to show you the way? Do you want the Lord to teach you His path for you? All you have to do is ask, listen and then obey. Yes, it's not as easy when we want to do something else but again, the Lord sees what we can't so it means trusting beyond what we ourselves are capable of seeing and doing.

P.S.  Tune in to hear my interview on Blog Talk Radio's Social Networking for Women with Bernadine Feagins on Monday, February 20th at 12pm ET. Here's the link to listen in: