Friday, August 2, 2013

Power Players

John 19:11
11Jesus answered, "You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greatest sin."

Pilate was frustrated because he was not getting the answers he felt he deserved from Jesus. He became so frustrated that he felt he needed to remind Jesus of the power he believed he had. Jesus reminded him that any earthly power he has is only because God has given it. Pilate clearly understood that Jesus did not wrong but knew He had something he didn't want to mess with therefore when the Jews continued to rant "crucify him", Pilate repeatedly said he found no fault in him and that what they wanted to do was on them.

Many in this world seek power and by any means necessary. But anyone with real power understands that with it comes responsibility. Power is not a play thing and when God sees fit to give you any amount of it, you are not to use it to hurt others. Just as Jesus said, God is the one who bestows real power. And as He gives it, He can take it back. Power is defined in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as the ability to act or produce an effect also a position of authority or physical might: also mental or moral vigor.

Power is for the purpose of helping not hurting. Those with power who understand its pull walk very carefully.

P.S.  Just a reminder to tune into the Good Life Radio Show with my girl Teria Powell from 8:30am-9:30am on the Leap of Faith Network ( Saturday, August 3rd as I will be talking about my new book, Shh Don't Tell!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"I Remember Love"

John 11:35-36
35Jesus wept. 36Then the Jews said, "See how He loved him!"
Lazarus had died and bee buried. Jesus arrived after his death. Though He knew He would raise Lazarus from the dead, Jesus still wept as a sign of love.
Yesterday, many of us who attended the University of Maryland College Park aka TERPS4Life, received the sad news of the passing of our beloved friend, LaShema "Sheme" Watson. She died of a massive stroke though not yet 40yrs old. She had a brush with death 3yrs ago this past May. I remember several of us being at her bedside in ICU when the doctors said she wouldn't make it. She refused to believe the report and told her mother not to listen to it either because indeed would get up from the bed of affliction. What upset me was that the very pains she complained about when we last spent time together was indeed what landed her in the hospital. We prayed and stood in agreement with her. Within a matter of 10 days she had arisen in the name of Jesus.
I was overcome with tears several times upon hearing the news yesterday and then having to deliver it to others. One woman handed me a tissue and a grape taffy to help me feel better. God sent His little angels in the form of children throughout who gave me smiles and waves. One little 18month old, who did not know me, left the side of his family to come hold my hand to comfort me in my grieved state though I did not have tears at the moment. I could not help but smile.
My heart hurts for LaShema's mother as she now has to lay her adult child to rest. One truth, never assume your children will outlive you. That is simply taking them for granted. God said He is entrusting them to you, therefore, He can call them back at any time. The Word says that parents are not to exasperate their children. In other words do not harm them.
When I had my very first book signing event, Sheme could not make it but she sent a representative in the form of another friend to purchase a book on her behalf to show her support. She responded to a posting on my facebook wall saying, "I am so proud of you! You said you were going to write a book and you did it!" Just a month ago she responded to a picture I posted of myself and Washington, DC's first female news anchor, J.C. Hayward of Channel 9 News. Sheme inboxed me with additional info to help further my dream.  Second truth, do not assume you have forever to follow a dream and a purpose God has laid on your heart.
Sheme spent her last couple of years in personal development, helping others and traveling-things that were in her heart. One of the greatest memories most of us will have of Sheme is the sincerity of her heart and her capacity to love. Third truth, never assume people know you love them and do not take love for granted. It's always better to show them for love is an action as the apostle Paul states. And Jesus demonstrated His love in His earthly ministry and continues to do so now. When you leave here, you cannot take the money, cars or houses. What you can take with you is love. As Nia Long's character said in the film, Love Jones, "I remember love".
Thank you Sheme for allowing God to use your death as a lesson for us all. As a friend said last night, "she lived and loved".  Thank you for being my sister in Christ, friend and supporter. I will see you on the other side of glory.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Pearls God Gives You

Proverbs 2:6
6For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

Have you ever wondered why someone can be so wise though they may not have lived 100 years? Have you ever wondered why someone seems to have a plethora of knowledge about situations? True wisdom and knowledge are directly from the Lord. Do you know the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines wisdom as accumulated  philosophic or scientific learning, insight, good sense: judgement; a wise attitude or course of action. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines knowledge as understanding gained by actual experience; range of information; clear perception of truth; something learned and kept in mind.
To summarize wisdom is about insight of things to come and good sense on how to proceed. Knowledge is about something already experienced and/or learned as well as storage of information. Each has to deal with learning but there are two different ways of learning. Someone who is wise does not have to have gone through something to provide the wisdom. Even a child can possess wisdom. God is not a respecter of age when bestowing wisdom. Nor does He allow the experiences of His children to go to waste. Someone with knowledge can do a data dump to a mentee or group of people.
But what is either of these if your ears and heart are not open? When God speaks, it is better to listen. He can send who He wishes to provide either. Do not look at the face but listen to what is being said and determine if you can hear God for yourself in the knowledge or wisdom being laid before you. If you are not sure, ask God to make it clear and He will do so.  Do not throw away the pearls He gives you.

P.S. I will be on the Good Life Radio show this Saturday morning, August 3rd at 8:30am with my girl Teria Powell on the Leap of Faith Network ( discussing my new book, Shh Don't Tell! Hope you can join us and feel free to call into the station as I would love to answer any questions you have.