Thursday, October 25, 2018

It's a Wrap!

Good Evening,

I want to publicly thank ALL of our supporters- cast, crew, sponsors, seed donors, advertisers, audience, etc  for their part in making our second show run of Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep a success! Lives were impacted! Myself and several cast members were approached by those in the audience after the performance, stating they could identify with the topic. Some were ready to make changes in their families! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!

We will not be doing Broken Pieces again on stage as we are going to television/streaming. Please enjoy our photo below with cast and crew along with our national t.v. producer, Terron, of Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment. Photo courtesy of our sponsor, Divah' Anu Image Media Group. Please also enjoy our gallery at Not all photos are posted but enjoy the ones that are. #brokenpiecestheplay

Stay Tuned,
