1Corinthians 12:4-5
4There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.
It is unfortunate that many in the body of Christ perish from a lack of knowledge. The sentiment overall is that information is only given as needed but when the body of Christ is not fully operational and possessing knowledge, then they can be tossed to and fro as stated in Ephesians 4. The apostle Paul offers the explanation before describing what is known as the charismatic gifts which is derived from the Greek word charismaton. The charismatic gifts as noted in the NJK Study Bible, "are not given according to our personal desires or productivity but sovereignty dispensed by God." Within the listing of these gifts is discerning of spirits. Now as believers in Christ who have adopted the Spirit of Christ, we all have some ability to discern or recognize the difference between good and evil. However, there are some who have a double portion of this gifting. Coupled with this gifting can be the mercy gift. Why is it important? There are some of you who have experienced things that you cannot explain and that have not been explained to you. With the mercy gift, as documented on spiritualgiftstest.com, an additional administration of this gift is to discern the emotional and spiritual needs of others. It may cause you to know how and what a person is feeling though they never speak. For every gift given to a believer in Christ is from the Spirit of God within our Savior Jesus Christ. It was the mercy gift that allowed Jesus to help those who were afflicted. It was the mercy gift that allowed Jesus to have deep compassion for and even weep Himself. What does this mean to you? In order to uplift, encourage and even intercede in prayer on the behalf of others, God may show you the emotional state someone is in. For some of you, it may mean literally feeling the physical manifestation of the love, tears, anger, worry, nervousness, distress, etc of another. You may even be able to understand when a place is full of evil spirits though you cannot explain but there may be a physical manifestation within your own body that carries the pain. All of these things mentioned are the coupling of the discerning of spirits and the mercy gift. The administration of the two differs in each believer. No, you did not ask for these giftings, but God decided you are to use them to intercede, stand in the gap or pray without ceasing for others for those who may not or are unwilling to approach the throne of the Heavenly Father. The coupling of these giftings may even cause some to not venture out of their homes. The author, Ms. Carol Brown calls it in her book, "The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity," burden bearing as we are called to do so in Galatians 6:2. Please know you are not alone. You are not crazy and it is more than, "feeling the energy in the room." You must not deny the Holy Spirit and the miracles of Christ so call them as they are. You must continue to operate in society as a productive member so that God can use you as He deems. You cannot run or hide from these gifts because you do not have to be in the same room or place with a person. The gifts, transcend beyond miles. If you recall, Jesus did not have to be physically in a room with someone, He only spoke a word. For example the servant of the centurion in Luke 7:7. You can speak a word of encouragement as directed by God that can heal just as Jesus spoke a word and a person was healed. Do not fear. Be of good courage and peace as our Lord says.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at www.getyourjoyinthemorning.com on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered! You must register before April 18th in order to attend. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!
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