Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Walk Away

Proverbs 26:11
11As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
What a disgusting analogy! King Solomon described what happens after a dog vomits. You and I both know that when you vomit, your stomach has rejected something. Whatever you swallowed and attempted to digest did not agree with you and you could not hold it in your stomach. So, it comes back up and out of your mouth with gushing speed. By this time it has a stench and is not pretty to view. However, a dog uses its nose to sniff and will go back and sniff around that which did not agree with it. And just as King Solomon notes a dog does, so does a fool. A fool will go back and sniff around the very situation, behavior, thing or even person that is not good for them though there is a stench with it and has an unsightly view. A fool is defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary as 1)a person who lacks sense or judgment; 2)jester; 3)dupe; 4)idiot. The knowledge God gave to King Solomon is that only an idiot will return to something that isn't good for them simply because they are devoid of good judgment. What stench of vomit have you sniffed around that you need to walk away from? Do you know that if you swallow it, it will not taste good and will make you vomit again? God will allow you to keep swallowing it and bringing it back up for a time. But each time you do it, you are damaging your own body and spirit.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at www.getyourjoyinthemorning.com
on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials! You must register before April 18th in order to attend. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

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