John 18:26
26One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of him whose ear Peter cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with Him?"
Remember Jesus already told Peter he would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. And now someone who was familiar with what happened in the garden of Gethsemane and what Peter did called him on his association. Peter denied his association with Christ. Peter denied being by Jesus' side for three years. He denied walking, talking and breaking bread with Him. He denied even knowing Him. Peter denied his association with Jesus because he feared being persecuted by those who did not believe in Christ. Jesus had already said not to fear the one who kills the body but the one who has the ability to kill the body and the soul. We are vastly approaching Holy Week and things are happening around the world and in this country to those who associate themselves with Christ. A few days ago a Jesuit priest was murdered in cold blood at a monastery in Syria because he openly helped people and spoke against extremists tactics. The same priest worked and helped on behalf of many even those who were Islamic. He was about spreading love and fulfilling the needs of others. Two priests and a nun were recently kidnapped in Cameron as they were assisting to educate the people on HIV/Aids. And in the state of Maryland, a county has deemed it unlawful to openly pray and refer to Christ.
Those of us in the United States have been arrogant once before in thinking that terrorists attacks would never hit our soil. We were all proved wrong on September 11th. Now we are dealing with issues of denying God and our Savior, Jesus Christ though our country was founded upon such principles. When the early church was created, there were many martyrs at the hands of emperors simply because they proclaimed to love and follow the teachings of Christ. Here's a question for you. Would you, like Peter, deny Christ if you were made to choose? Do you know that when you blatantly do the opposite of what the Holy Spirit has directed you, like Peter, you are denying Jesus? What if it meant having to disassociate with some people who want you to turn from Christ in order to be popular? If you believe God to be who He says He is, then it would be better to fear God rather than man. Making the choice of who you will serve is an every day decision. Your life is at stake every day because the enemy of your soul wants you to deny your association with Christ.
P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at
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