Friday, November 4, 2011

Which Life Would You Rather Have?

Psalm 73:21-22
21When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered,
22I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.

The psalmist describes the difference between one who lives in righteousness and one who lives in wickedness as said by the NIV Study Bible. The psalmist describes what their heart was like before God. The heart before God is one in a constant grief-stricken mode. One in this mode lives a life of blind ignorance and bitterness about life. The psalmist compares himself to a brute beast or an animal that has no conscience. Do we understand what it means to have a bitterness about life? What does it mean to be bitter? Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines bitter as:

1a : being or inducing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, or disagreeable and suggestive of an infusion of hops — compare salt, sour, sweet b : distasteful or distressing to the mind : galling bitter sense of shame>

These definitions are pretty intense but to simplify, bitter means severe pain and regret that is marked with coldness and sometimes even a vengeful spirit. A life without God means a life of bitterness. A life not lived in God's direction for us means many regrets. But a life with God, is marked with guidance, strength, peace, joy, love and faithfulness from Him. God guides and sustains us so that circumstances will not turn us bitter. If we love Him, he makes everything turn out for our good as said in Romans 8:28. Which life would you rather have?

P.S. Remember to tune in on Saturday to my man V of the Artist to Artist Show on at 8:30am CT, 2:30pm CT and 8:30pm CT and check out the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment! And check out my girl Stubbs of the Leapoffaithshow on Sunday 6am-10am ET and Monday-Wednesday, 6am-9am ET and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blessings of Certain Peace

Luke 11:28
28He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Jesus taught the crowd about the difference between the work He was doing and that of Satan. Jesus was accused of driving out demons by the power of Satan. When he finished giving a parable, a woman in the crowd told Jesus his mother was blessed for giving birth to him. Jesus took the focus off of Mary very quickly and put it back where it belonged, on God. Yes, Mary was blessed but just as Jesus said, those who hear and obey God are blessed. How so? No, life won't be all roses but life in obedience to the Lord brings a certain peace that no one can fully explain. But in order to live it out, one has to hear the word of God. Hearing the word of God taught in the guidance of the Holy Spirit brings clarity and understanding to life. Just like we remember the music we listen to, so to we remember the word of God when it's preached and taught if we're listening with our ears and our spirit. The downloading of understanding into the spirit takes places when one is open to receiving the word of God. But it's not enough just to hear. Practical application is necessary for the growth of anyone in any area. There is already a plan for your life and it's made visible with regular, re-enforced teaching.

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me! You should've received your invitation.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your Greatest Contribution

1Kings 10:1
1When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relation to the name of the Lord, she came to test him with hard questions.

The queen of Sheba paid a visit to the wise King Solomon. Queen Sheba reigned over southwest Arabia. Some believe Ethiopia and Yemen were in her territory. She did a lot of trade around Ethiopia. Sheba heard many stories of Solomon but her view was that she needed to see with her own eyes who the "so-called" great King Solomon was especially upon hearing his name in the same sentence with the Lord. There will always be those like Sheba who do not believe what God can do with a person unless they've seen it themselves. "Seeing is believing" is their motto. And that was quite alright with Solomon. He "entertained" her doubts even for a little while. And though she presented him with gifts after realizing that he was more than what her countrymen said of him but who God created him to be, Solomon blessed her more. People that will test who you are will sometimes want to see if you know who you are but also to see if you are who everyone else says you are. What's of greater importance is that you are who God says you are. Do you know who you are and what you possess in Him? Solomon knew who he was because he relied on God to show him. He sought God to become who he needed to be in order to reign over a kingdom. He submitted to being who God wanted him to be and in doing so, God revealed him to the world in order to display His glory. Your greatest asset and contribution to the world will begin when you know who you are in Christ and your worth to Him.

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me! You should've received your invitation.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blowing Out Trick Candles

Luke 4:23b
23b"Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum."

Jesus echoed the words that those in his hometown would speak to him just before his death on the cross. The people of Nazareth were very offended by Jesus because he accurately discerned their disbelief and just how great it would be up to his death. They were already jealous because they could not reason how Jesus, who they saw grow up in their town, be elevated with the knowledge that he possessed. When Jesus finished speaking, the people of Nazareth were so furious they attempted to kill him then but God allowed him to walk right through the crowd and on to his next destination. Just as the people of Nazareth were angry, so too are some in our midst when their actions are accurately discerned and exposed. King Solomon repeatedly spoke of fools who do no accept correction. Point out their errors and surely their anger will flourish. Showing a fool who does not desire to learn or grow is like blowing out trick candles. Just when you think you've blown the candles out, the lights flicker back on. The errors in judgement and action will continue to repeat themselves and just as Jesus left those in Nazareth were they stood, so we ought. Jesus knew that those in Nazareth would only believe when God's purpose was carried out. We must keep the same measure of persistence in what we must do. Leave the fools where they are and move to the next destination. Jesus knew where he had to go and instead of wasting time explaining, he simply left. Just as Jesus was vindicated, so will you when God's purpose is complete.

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me! You should've received your invitation.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Give Him Respect

Psalm 103:11
11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;

The Maryland Terrapins of the University of Maryland College Park have a slogan for their mascot, "Fear the Turtle". Now to some, that might not be saying much but between the hare and the turtle, the turtle will win the race because he is steady and strong. And yes, the diamondback terrapin is Maryland's official state reptile. God is steady and strong. He is constant and never changes. But many of us do not fear him. We fear him because we don't want to go to hell but we don't fear Him in the sense that we must answer to him for everything we think, say and do. First, yes, God loves everyone. But just as David the psalmist says, his love is "so great" for those who fear him. David means for those who have reverence for Him. What does it mean to reverence? According to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, reverence means to:

1: honor or respect felt or shown : deference; especially : profound adoring awed respect
2: a gesture of respect (as a bow)
3: the state of being revered
4: one held in reverence —used as a title for a clergyman

Many of us do not give God the respect He deserves. Why not give it? Why not give to God not just tithes and offerings but our time? Not in busyness but just spending time with Him and Him alone. When is the last time you showed God respect? Respect requires listening, obedience and follow through on what He asks of us. Many of us don't fear or reverence Him because we simply care not to know Him accept for when we want him to be our genie in a bottle. God's love for those who respect Him is deeper than the depths of the widest ocean. We haven't even begun to touch who He really is in our finite minds. Why not at least give Him respect?

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me!