Good Evening Family and Friends,
addition to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it is also Child
Abuse Prevention Month. Though every day of the year is a day to
prevent child abuse, April is designated as such.
Some of
you may or may not know, I am an active member and an ambassador of the
National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). NAASCA
provides information to individuals and institutions to prevent child
abuse and information for abused children and untreated adults. NAASCA
advocates against any form of child abuse (sexual, violence, verbal,
neglect, etc). They have a blog talk radio show called STOP Child Abuse
I will be on STOP Child Abuse NOW Radio this Wednesday, April 25th at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT and 5pm PT.
You are welcome to listen in at