Saturday, July 12, 2014

Think Better

Proverbs 23:7
7For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
Whatever you think in your heart about yourself is how you see you. And however you see yourself is what you will convey. In Proverbs, King Solomon was referring to a miser or someone who is a hoarder or stingy. No matter what they offer to you, they will at some point convey their hoarding or stingy attitude to you. You will be constantly reminded of it.
There is another way to view "as he thinks in his heart". In the movie, The Matrix, Morpheus explained to Neo why he went from being bald and in clothes of present moment to suddenly his old hairdo and clothing that more resembled what he would wear. Morpheus called it Neo's "residual self-image." They way Neo looked in the "construct program" was exactly how he viewed and thought he looked like. As a result, Morpheus saw it as well. It's the same when you have low-self esteem. When you have low self-esteem, you do not think much of yourself at all and likely do not respect yourself. Unfortunately, that self-image is often portrayed in the way you walk, talk and interact with others. Some attempt to hide the low self-esteem or mask it but it always seeps through. This information can be dangerous in the wrong hands, i.e. someone who is seeking to prey on you. You become subject to unsavory treatment. You will tolerate it because you think you do not deserve much or cannot do better or attract anything better otherwise. How you think of you in your heart will lead others to see you that way because you display your thoughts. Jesus said in Matthew 15 that what comes out of a person's mouth is what is in their heart. You carry on the outside what is on the inside. Think better so you will be better. Psalm 139:14 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember it always.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The End of Purpose

Acts 21:14
14So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased saying, "The will of the Lord be done."
A prophet by the name of Agabus came to the house of Philip the evangelist who was one of the seven ordained deacons. Agabus gave a very disturbing prophecy that the apostle Paul would soon meet the end of his earthly ministry for Christ. Luke and the others who were present with Paul asked him not to go to the place where he was to be bound and would die. Paul's response was that he was ready to be bound and die for the cause of Christ. Once Paul accepted the prophecy given, those around him did too.
It had to be a very sobering evening. But you cannot stop the will of the Lord. For Paul would come to the end of his earthly purpose knowing he did what the Lord asked of him when he met Him on the road to Damascus. The closest revelation we've likely had of this since 66-68 A.D. is the night Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached his sermon, "I've Been to the Mountaintop" at the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) head quarters in Memphis, TN on April 3, 1968. The prophecy he gave came directly from the Lord. Dr. King's life ended on April 4th via assassination. Some of you reading this witnessed the news report. But can you imagine being with Dr. King the night before giving that sermon?  He said, "I might not get there with you."  Dr. King, like the apostle Paul, believed in the cause of equality and Christ to the point of death. No one around him was ready to accept that the end of his purpose was coming but Dr. King did. He had given his all and had done all he could. I sat here reading the scriptures with tears because it is painful for anyone to see a leader come to the end of their purpose. But at least each of them found what the Lord fashioned for them to do. What about you? You cannot get to the end of purpose if you never know what yours is. Will you inquire of God to find out?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Unquestionable Loyalty

1Samuel 20:4
4So Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you yourself desire, I will do it for you."
The friendship between Jonathan and David is one that has been covered before and is most popular when discussing godly soul ties or divine connections. But from Jonathan's own lips he declares his loyalty to David though he knew David would be the next king. Let's be honest, how many would really be loyal to someone who was to advance to a position, title or place that by custom or natural birthright would be yours? Remember Saul, Jonathan's father, was the king. By birthright, the next successor was to be Jonathan. The way many people handle their friendships is to jump over, push aside, steal or do whatever they can to get what their 'friend' has that they believe should or at least want to be theirs. But not Jonathan! Jonathan recognized that God chose David and was with him. Any attempts to dupe David was in effect, attempting to dupe God. And how many really want to try to pull a fast one on God? Jonathan's love for David was true and not laced with motives. His love and loyalty for David was unquestionable even to the division between him and his father Saul. Jonathan understood that right was right and wrong was wrong. Though his father, King Saul was his blood, he knew that God was with David and was willing to help David any way he could. That's real friendship and love. This example is what a godly soul tie or divine connection looks like.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Is Your Heart Open?

Hebrews 10:16-17
16But they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah says, "Lord who has believed our report?" 17So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Paul was addressing the Jews who rejected the gospel of Christ. But there are many Gentiles who have rejected the gospel of Christ. There are those who have heard the testimonies but still do not believe. There are those who have grown up hearing the word of God yet they still reject the gospel of Christ. Paul's point was that it wasn't the lack of hearing the word that caused the Jews to be in a state of disbelief.  The NKJ Study Bible translation comments, "it was their disobedience and rebellion that caused them not to believe." The word says that without faith, it is impossible to please to God. But in order to have faith you have to hear the word of God. For many today, it is their own stubborn will that keeps them from hearing and entering the kingdom of God. There are those who have heard the word Sunday after Sunday but they are as cold as ice or manipulative and conniving as the serpent in the garden of Eden. Just being in church does not mean you are in and of the kingdom of God. It's a heart issue. Your heart has to be open to truly receiving Christ. Is your heart open? Have you received Christ? Or are you rejecting Him with your own stubborn will and rebellion?

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Warrior's Arrows

Psalm 127:4
4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
What's the quickest way to handicap a warrior? Destroy their weapons. So the Word of God says that children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. And we know children are a gift from the Lord. So the quickest way for the enemy to destroy anyone, is to destroy their children.
I have provided this statistic before that I received on my first visit to DC's children's advocacy center, Safe Shores, that I am an ambassador for. "1 in 10 children will be sexually abused on or before their 18th birthday." Now, measure that statistic against what the Word of God says and you will see why the issue of childhood sexual abuse is everyone's problem. Over the weekend I saw two crime/cop dramas. One was an American show and one was a British show. I rather enjoy British mysteries and crime shows. For two countries to air shows this weekend on child abuse, what happens when the silence is permitted in families and how it destroys the children was no coincidence. It is the very issue I have been fighting against through my latest book,  Shh Don't Tell  and alongside the children's advocacy center you've heard me speak of repeatedly.
In my interview last month on Village Connector TV, I gave some valuable hints on what to look for in children who have been abused. I also talked about the silence that children are manipulated into. This is why it's important for you as parents, aunts, grandparents, cousins, friends etc to be conscious of the surroundings of children and be diligent yourselves in what to look for so the enemy does not destroy a family's name sake. The quickest way for the enemy to disable you is to grab hold of your children. I am blessed to have survived childhood sexual abuse, not only through therapy as a child, but through the grace of God so I could understand forgiveness and wholeness in Him to have the strength to interview other survivors and write about a subject no one likes to discuss. It's not discussing it, being in denial and not being aware that causes so many children to be eliminated. To get some helpful hints on what to look for, check out my interview on Village Connector TV's Between the Covers for Book Lovers  through the following link: