Proverbs 23:7
7For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
Whatever you think in your heart about yourself is how you see you. And however you see yourself is what you will convey. In Proverbs, King Solomon was referring to a miser or someone who is a hoarder or stingy. No matter what they offer to you, they will at some point convey their hoarding or stingy attitude to you. You will be constantly reminded of it.
There is another way to view "as he thinks in his heart". In the movie, The Matrix, Morpheus explained to Neo why he went from being bald and in clothes of present moment to suddenly his old hairdo and clothing that more resembled what he would wear. Morpheus called it Neo's "residual self-image." They way Neo looked in the "construct program" was exactly how he viewed and thought he looked like. As a result, Morpheus saw it as well. It's the same when you have low-self esteem. When you have low self-esteem, you do not think much of yourself at all and likely do not respect yourself. Unfortunately, that self-image is often portrayed in the way you walk, talk and interact with others. Some attempt to hide the low self-esteem or mask it but it always seeps through. This information can be dangerous in the wrong hands, i.e. someone who is seeking to prey on you. You become subject to unsavory treatment. You will tolerate it because you think you do not deserve much or cannot do better or attract anything better otherwise. How you think of you in your heart will lead others to see you that way because you display your thoughts. Jesus said in Matthew 15 that what comes out of a person's mouth is what is in their heart. You carry on the outside what is on the inside. Think better so you will be better. Psalm 139:14 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember it always.