23And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
I had a very eye opening experience yesterday evening while sitting with a perspective student and her family. After many questions and much probing, what God told me in my spirit when I first spoke to her and her mother was confirmed. The type of work the young lady desired to do had nothing to do with why she was at the school and it was more her trying to please her mother to do something her mother actually desired to do. We are in a society where men and women have been taught somewhere along the way that if they do not have a glorious title with loads of cash that they are nothing. It is not so. Even what you think is insignificant can give God glory. How you say? I have seen God change the names and titles of many. I have seen God take someone from a "notable" profession and place them as a cashier. They think they are not giving God glory but in their time as a cashier, God is using them to minister to people, to give smiles, laughs and hugs to those who need and to be a light for Him. And they have received gifts and tokens for the joy of the Lord they bring to others. God removed me from one 9-5 profession to another. I once did not understand the purpose in it but glory to God! He has showed me time and time again about the work I do. A lot of my students hug me in the hallways and say they are grateful that I take time out for them. Seeing them happy and doing what they never thought they could do gives me joy because I know I am not looking at them as numbers but as people. I am not a teacher but I work in education. The experience I am getting where I am helps to make me better in the company God has tasked me to run which uplifts others. I am experiencing "on the job training" everyday. My favorite former choir director and now pastor of congressional care at the church where I was baptized, Rev. Caldwell, used to sing a song I so loved. It was called, "It'll be Alright if You Change My Name." God can change your name/title. Not as a punishment, but so that you may give glory to Him. Too many people give too much weight to titles and not to actually working and laboring. If you are doing your best, you give God glory. If you are doing the work not to please man but to please God, then you cannot help but to please man. And it is in that, where you represent Him and give Him glory.
What you do is not insignificant if you give your best in all you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be great but change your focus. Work for His glory not yours and you shall be blessed.