Psalm 78:5
5For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children,
Sometimes adults don't see past themselves. But when you have children, this view must change. The premise of providing for the needs of children extends beyond just their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. You are also responsible for their spiritual development. Some think that this is secondary but actually, the spiritual development also helps shape their view of discerning right from wrong. Their spiritual development help shapes their thought pattern. The Word says in Proverbs to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. It is their foundation. Jesus rebuked the disciples when they wanted to discourage the children from coming to Him.
As a former Sunday school teacher and AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) listener, my heart leaps when I see children who desire to know the Word of God. But how will they know if no one is willing to instruct them? Psalm 145:4 says, One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts. The NKJ Study Bible gives the translation of this verse as, "The instruction one generation gives to the next is crucial in God's plan." I recall a young student of mine walking in one Sunday with his mother and saying, "Ms. Joy, how come our class doesn't read straight from the Bible?" He had just turned six years old. His mother thought I was offended and apologized but I hugged him because I understood his concern. The lesson plans I had were Bible story books with colorful pictures to help the four and five year olds associate. I explained to him that not every student was as advanced as he was. His desire was evident and I thanked his mother for doing such a wonderful job with him. I have been blessed to see children younger than him who desire to know the Word of God. The seed was planted by those they were surrounded by. Expose your children to the Word of God. If you are in the Word and God works on you, don't you think He can work on your children?