Thursday, April 10, 2014

God Sees

Luke 12:3
3Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.
The maker of Heaven and Earth is also a God who sees. He is Jehovah Roi. He sees even when no one else can see. And He hears all. Jesus told the disciples to beware of the leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees. He was talking of their hypocrisy. Just before Jesus' statement, the Pharisees and Sadducees had been questioning Jesus on many things. Unfortunately, it was not because they had a desire to learn from Him; rather, it was a strategy in order to trip him up and to see how they might trap Him. Jesus was aware of their deception and called it out. What does this mean to you?
Did you know that not everyone around you has your best interest? Did you know that some are upset because you have done something they haven't figured out how to do themselves? There are some who may speak flattering words to your face but in secret, they are not wishing you well. Some of these very people will question you on many things, not because they care to learn, but because they want to see what you really know and how they can stumble you. I have had the unfortunate experience of this. It is very hurtful, especially when you sincerely desire to do nothing but help others. What is said behind your back, God eventually allows it to be known whether through word or deed. He is Jehovah Roi so He sees every thought and every word uttered. He sees every dart thrown. He sees every attempt by them to make cunning moves. The scary part, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, they may even be people who are already popular. They just don't like the idea that your genuineness is dimming their spotlight. No matter what people plot in secret, Jesus said, it shall be made known. Do not fear. Do not worry. God, the Father, is watching over you.

P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials!  You must register before April 18th in order to attend. I have had multiple inquiries over the months from those God has said it's time for them to write a book and/or it's been a goal. When the teleseminar is finished, you will know what to do. Now you will hear not only from me, but from those God blessed me to work with to help steer them in the right direction. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message you have to share!

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