Mark 10:21
21Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor, take up the cross, and follow Me."
Why does the subject of possessions keep coming up? Because God wants EVERYONE to understand the basics. In Hosea 4:6 the Word says, "My people perish from a lack of knowledge." Jesus doesn't want anyone to perish. What is standing in the way? The rich young ruler wanted to know what he must do to inherit eternal life. He told Jesus he kept all the commandments since he was young. The NKJ Study Bible makes a note, "Jesus sought to reach the man by revealing the blind spots in his spiritual life."
The young man's response was one of sorrow as the Word says because the young man had many possessions. The disciples were amazed by Jesus' response to the young man. The NKJ Study Bible notes the following, "Riches are neither good nor bad. But when they take the place of God by being the object of trust, that trust indicates money has become an idol."
What is your blind spot? There are some of you, whom like the young ruler, Jesus has asked you to lay something aside or lay it down, in order to do something He called you to do. You haven't done what Jesus called you to do because you don't want to make the sacrifice. That very issue is what is standing in the way between you and Christ. Yes, you have an acquaintance with Christ but you are keeping Him at arms length. Jesus has likely already told you what that "thing" is. Jesus made the greatest sacrifice anyone could ever make, He gave His life. Surely you can give up something for the one who loves you. Jesus wants your total trust and love. Yes, it is hard to do. But greater is the reward that He has for you. Many have not gotten to the point where they can give away whatever God has given them. Look at the dedicated mother Hannah. She wanted a child so bad. God blessed her with that child, Samuel. She loved God so much for answering her prayer that she dedicated him back to the Lord. And for it, God used Samuel to the fullest as a prophet to kings. Again, what is your blind spot? What did Jesus ask you to lay down or give away? The Lord wants to know He is really first in your life.
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