Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Balance

Ecclesiastes 4:8a
8There is one alone, without companion: he has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end to all his labors, nor is his eye satisfied with riches;
The society we live in today applauds overworking and more so greed. There is no balance. How so? Men and women are suffering more heart attacks and strokes at younger ages. Stress and worry are in the top slots along with diet. Some eat right but the stress overtakes the body. Conditions in the natural have a spiritual root. Jesus said that worry does not add a day to one's life. Some are overworking to make ends meet. Others already have an abundance and are either working out of greed or to avoid the issues in life itself. Proverbs 23:4 is clear that you and I are not to overwork to be rich because riches can fly away. There is nothing wrong with hard work nor having money. But work/life balance is a real issue. King Solomon referred to the man who has no friend, no companion not even family. His labor is in vain because it is for no one other than himself. And the man is so consumed with himself and riches that he doesn't take notice. Our Lord wants a balance in our lives. He only gave you a certain number of years on this earth. You can easily shorten those days by stress, worry and competing to "keep up with the Jones." Yes, you and I are to work hard. However, Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-33 not to worry about what we shall eat or drink or wear. That our Heavenly Father knows we have need of all these things. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."  In other words, God's priority-His will for you is top priority and He will make provision according to His glorious riches. God owns EVERYTHING so you will never out do/make more than what He has for you.

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