Acts 8:9-10
9But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great 10to whom they all gave heed, from least to the greatest, saying, "This man is the great power of God."
There are some people who claim to be great that really are not who they claim to be. There mission is to deceive people. Unfortunately, the people of Samaria experienced this with a man called Simon. And for this, Christ left behind the Holy Spirit to help discern. In 1John 4:1 the Word says we are not to believe every spirit, but test the spirit, whether they are of God. The people of Samaria were unfortunately not educated on this, But God! He sent one in the five-fold ministry, an evangelist, Philip. Please refer to Ephesians 4:11-16. Philip was sent to preach about Christ. Simon was amazed, confessed that he believed and then was baptized. However, his heart was not delivered from his former ways. Simon again was amazed. This time by the apostles Peter and John as they did the laying on of hands and Simon attempted to "buy" a position that can only given by God. Why is this so important?
Anyone that is who they claim to be in Christ, God will not allow them to "buy" their position. That is stealing an identity that Christ did not give to them. Identity theft is not only a serious crime in the world, but it is a serious crime in the kingdom of God. The NKJ Study Bible refers to it as "simony", the unworthy buying and selling of ecclesiastical offices. You cannot buy your way into a position and expect that God will not expose you to those who see with the Holy Spirit. And you cannot buy your way into heaven. Grace is a gift given by God paid for by the blood of Christ. God appoints those He has called to particular offices through the Holy Spirit. There has to be an experience with Christ. It may not be as deep as what the apostle Paul experienced on the road to Damascus, but there certainly has to be to "a defining moment." Test the spirit by the Holy Spirit. Do not allow identity theft to steer you from the true heart of Christ and the kingdom of God. Those who claim to teach the Word are judged more harshly as the Word says and you and I shall know them by their fruit.
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