Friday, May 24, 2013

The Role of Disciplinarian

Hebrews 12:9

9Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?

The context of this scripture is about the role of God as the disciplinarian. When His children are not obedient He disciplines as a way to show love. And so a trial of chastening comes as a way to develop or bring that son or daughter to a place of development and maturity. God our heavenly Father is compared to that of earthly fathers.
On last Sunday, our assistant pastor facilitated a discussion on the role of a nurturer and how God can be both mother and father in His qualities. Even scripture references how we can lean on Him when forsaken or there is an absence of human roles in Psalm 27:10. And it was brought up that a nurturer doesn't always have to be a woman. I was reading something else and God brought to my attention the role of disciplinarian. In the days of old, earthly fathers played the role of disciplinarian. The statement of, "wait til your father gets home," when a child was in trouble signifies this idea. However, God brought to my attention those who had no father or the father figure present may have lacked in the area of discipline.
Now I know for me, when my late dad came into the picture I was very grateful and actually respected his authority. Looking back I believe it was because he treated me as though I were his own and I was in need of something I lacked. Within two years of him entering my life, I had accepted Christ and I was learning obedience from a different perspective. But what God showed me was that there are many who reject His will and way because of the absence of a disciplinarian in their life. They are not used to being corrected for the things done in error. Therefore, being corrected or being obedient to anything other than their own desires seems outrageous. Some people have gone so left field in their actions in life because no one has corrected them or they lacked in the area of correction for whatever reason. It then becomes understandable how the resistance to God's discipline is even possible. But God is always victorious in His ways.

What God also reminded me was about how two of the apostles were in a situation where there was a conflict between what God commanded of them and what an earthly authority figure was demanding of them. And the response of the apostles was that they would stay obedient to God. The apostles were aware of the final authority in their lives and they stood by it.

Who has been the role of disciplinarian in your life? Who is the final authority in your life? Did you know that you may be in a trial now because what God wanted to display you did not respect so now you are learning the hard way? Did you know that it is only because He loves you that you are in it and it is meant for you to come out better than when you went in it?

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