Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Main Ingredients

Acts 19:15

15And the evil spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?"

The apostle Paul had gone through the region Ephesus and performed many miracles. God, through His Holy Spirit, allowed  the faith of Paul to be transmitted into handkerchiefs and aprons to heal the sick and those with evil spirits. Now the word says there were Jewish exorcists that took it upon themselves to call on the name of the Lord over those who had evil spirits. And the response in verse 15 is what they received. The exorcists were overtaken by the evil spirit. But why?

The Jewish exorcists were not acting per the prompting of the Holy Spirit. They were acting in their own accord and then desiring the blessing of the Holy Spirit which is a "recipe for disaster".  On top of that, they lacked the faith necessary for the miracles to be performed. The disciples went through through a similar scenario early in Jesus' ministry. The Holy Spirit and faith are the main ingredients for anyone working a miracle in the name of Jesus. If there is no faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit which He sent to us on the day of Pentecost (50 days or 7 weeks after the resurrection), then they are just words.  Anything you are doing in the name of Jesus must be at the prompting of the Holy Spirit in order to work, not by you. For you and I can do nothing on our own accord. If God didn't say through His Holy Spirit to do something, you doing it on your own can create a train wreck. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to be our guide and our comforter. How is He the guide if you are not listening? How is He the guide if you are stepping into anything without His direction? Jesus said the Holy Spirit knows all things and searches all things. Doesn't that mean the Holy Spirit knows more than you? But if you are operating anything like the Jewish exorcists, the steps are off. Moving in faith by the Holy Spirit's direction brings victory.

P.S. Remember to check out my girl Stubbs on the Leap of Faith Show Monday-Friday 10am-12pm ET on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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