Sunday, December 2, 2018

Derived Purpose

Matthew 25:14-19

Do you believe there is purpose in everything that happens to you and around you? Do you believe that God uses every experience? Do you believe that every person alive has a purpose? Then you are referring to Romans 8:28 which states, "And we know all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose."  If you do indeed believe this to be true and read the last Get Your JOY In The Morning on "Highs and Lows," then you will understand what I am about to share.

In our time together last, I shared about my recent lows. Well there was one more low to arrive the day after Thanksgiving and the day prior to my classmate's home going service. The fourth person in the month of November had passed on, once again, cancer. The irony, it would make the ninth passing in the 2018 calendar year of those whose lives had crossed my path. I'm not talking over the two years, you all are not ready for those numbers.  I remember when I was first introduced to "Jess" by her then boyfriend who would later become her husband. 'Jess," had a beautiful and bright smile that I cannot forget. I saw her, her boyfriend and the family every week for a period of years. We also traveled together. Though I knew this loss was coming as her husband posted about the waiting, I just didn't realize it would be so soon. My heart goes out to the family.

In processing my grief, I had a reality check. I shared some realizations for you before, but let me break this down for you in numbers. Out of the nine people who have passed this year, three were blood relatives, all on separate sides of my family ranging from ages 53-92. The remaining were friends, classmates, former co-workers and associates. Of the nine, five were between the ages of 30-47. Does this now bring more relevance to what I shared in the last post?  I am not attempting to focus on the morbid but to focus on the reality and importance of understanding and following YOUR GOD given purpose. I'm also here to focus on the fact that death is not a respecter of age. Many of you know from the book, Get Your JOY In The Morning, that I was on my way to joining the numbers ten years ago of those who would pass on at an early age, approaching the age of 33. My solace and my drive, comes from the knowledge and faith that I asked GOD for more time so that I could live out and do what HE called me to do. He came to collect on that promise one calendar year later to the month. Hence the devotionals you read and all the things that have come thereafter.

You have spiritual gifts, also known as charismatic gifts, if you have received the Holy Spirit upon your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You also have talents that GOD has placed in you that may or may not be developed. The parable of the talents is in the scripture referenced at the beginning. Yes, it refers to money. But also symbolizes the gifts you have been given. If you know Proverbs 18:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 (look them up), then you will understand GOD has already mapped out a plan for your life. You just have to be willing to seek HIM out, that you may discover the gifts and talents. Why I am sharing this with you? Some of the people that have gone on in the last two years were found in purpose when the Lord called their name. The prophetic dream I had 27 years ago, showed a lot of what I see now, but again, no faces. Part of my purpose and that of what GOD has called me and those with me, through Get Your JOY In The Morning! LLC to do, is to reinforce, the necessity of finding YOUR GOD given purpose. It's especially for those who are considered to be young. Is this making sense to you now? How long will you wait? When the Lord calls your name to come home, will HE find you in purpose?

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Highs and Lows

Job 1:10

Yesterday, I posted a heartfelt post to my Facebook page, not for Get Your JOY In The Morning, but to Joy TJ Riley.  I did it under the privacy setting of friends and not public because yet again, I have been stricken with grief twice in two weeks. I have been trying not to make so much of my pain public. As I have been told in various ways, seminars, etc to only share the successes. However, GOD has said differently. And even one mentoring program I subscribe to has echoed the transparency of a success journey. Some of the lows have to be shared to demonstrate the balance of a faith journey. It is also to highlight that GOD is still GOD even in the lows of a journey. Oddly enough, after I shared it, a friend responded that each time he reads the posts, especially when I experience loss, he can't help but to think of Job. And that was exactly what GOD wanted him to receive in the message. Adversity is not always because of what we've done wrong. Sometimes, it really is because of what we've done right and/or who we can be on the other side of it.

Noticing a pattern. With every major success, major loss follows. And with major loss, success follows. I don't always get a break before the losses hit. Sometimes, more loss than success. Not that GOD didn't warn me about this time period in my life 27yrs ago. I just didn't quite understand the dream, no faces. And in riddles til 2yrs ago as I got closer. The loss has seemed to be more than I can handle at times. I'm sharing because this is not make believe. I can't make this stuff up! Writing this through tears. Losing a cousin and a classmate in two weeks and advanced problems with another family member on another side, just following the show run. Upon the May debut show run, I had major loss the day before my birthday/2 weeks before the show and one following. The lessons: love GOD and others, it's okay to show them, make the most of your time, create memories and by ALL means, follow your GOD given purpose!

Some  people have made light of the amount of loss in my sphere. I do not fault them because it is a lot. However, it makes me more determined, to move forward in my GOD given purpose. Both losses in the last two weeks were from cancer. Losing my cousin hit me because I realized when we were all together two years ago, burying the last living matriarch of the family, my cousin was ill then, we just didn't know. She had a peace about her, was kind and light hearted. She was the daughter of the woman i am named after. And it pained me even more so because my elder had to bury her own child. Knowing that was almost my Mom 10years ago gave me even more concern.

The classmate, was one I had the pleasure of ministering to others with through song and music in college in the University of Maryland Gospel Choir. I spent my morning yesterday making calls to those who rarely check their Facebook pages or don't have them. I also spent most of yesterday with our live recorded CD on repeat, especially on the song my classmate wrote. I wanted to remember the joy of that time and of his presence. I found myself crying on and off because in reality, though he is now at peace from his battle, he wasn't even 50years of age. Some in my generation, also known as generation X, like some of the millennials, are not having the joy of making it to ripe old ages as our beloved baby boomers. And it gives me more determination to live out what GOD has purposed for me, not man, because none of us knows how many years we have remaining. We take time for granted, when outside of the breath of life, it is indeed a precious commodity. In living the highs and lows, remember, the word says that God's power is made perfect in weakness. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

It's a Wrap!

Good Evening,

I want to publicly thank ALL of our supporters- cast, crew, sponsors, seed donors, advertisers, audience, etc  for their part in making our second show run of Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep a success! Lives were impacted! Myself and several cast members were approached by those in the audience after the performance, stating they could identify with the topic. Some were ready to make changes in their families! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!

We will not be doing Broken Pieces again on stage as we are going to television/streaming. Please enjoy our photo below with cast and crew along with our national t.v. producer, Terron, of Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment. Photo courtesy of our sponsor, Divah' Anu Image Media Group. Please also enjoy our gallery at Not all photos are posted but enjoy the ones that are. #brokenpiecestheplay

Stay Tuned,


Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Last Show Run of "Broken Pieces"

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you are making it a terrific Thursday night! We are less than 48hours away from curtain at the Black Box Theatre!!! Our team, our sponsors and our national t.v. producer are ALL excited about this weekend's performances!! You know there's excitement when the associate producer and national t.v. producer, Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC comes to town to see the production in person! Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot tell you how grateful I am to ALL of our supporters!! This is indeed the last show run of Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep. If you are not at least part of our "studio" audience for our shows THIS Saturday,  or even attending Sunday, then you will have to wait until the show goes into rotation when the rest of the world is exposed to this message of hope and healing! You will not be able to say you were there with family and friends for the momentous community event. You will not be able to say that the laughs that were heard during the "dramedy" were yours. We cannot bring this production back a third time because we have other projects in the pipeline. REMEMBER: NO CASH ON SITE!! ALL tickets MUST be purchased ONLINE at Please note, shows are listed in order of occurrence so pay attention.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Rent-A-Center Laurel, Capital Remodeling, Inc., Divah' Anu Image Media Group, ProTek and More Than Java Cafe for their support as sponsors. I want to thank the Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission, Howard County Branch of NAACP, Howard Community College Theater Technology Department, Chris James Films, Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment, our seed donors, advertisers, cast and crew! SEE YOU THERE!!

Friday, October 12, 2018

A Very Unexpected Blessing for "Broken Pieces"

Good Afternoon,

Some of you may or may not know, but last year, I became a volunteer regional ambassador for the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). When I have speaking engagements and educate groups on abuse, I do refer to NAASCA as well as another awesome organization that advocates on behalf of children. A little more than two and half years ago, I was on a survivor panel for a televised news segment in Washington, D.C.  I met an awesome activist during that panel. She introduced me to NAASCA. As we spoke over time, I shared that I was writing Broken Pieces. I learned that NAASCA understood and also advocated ALL forms of abuse, including what Broken Pieces covers. After Wednesday's notification email went out and yesterday, I was blessed to the point of tears. My fellow NAASCA family member responded to say she wanted to support. I thank GOD for divine connections, people and organizations that understand what it is the team seeks to do regarding Broken Pieces. So I thank you immensely ProTek Professional Technologies Consulting, Inc. for becoming a silver sponsor!

I am also VERY grateful to The Capital Tailor, Inc., while in the midst of their grand opening this weekend( ), they have graciously agreed to supply a portion of the wardrobe for Broken Pieces.  Not to mention, the CEO, Raiza is a member of our cast and is my company co-founder. Thank you to our gold sponsors, Rent-A-Center Laurel and Capital Remodeling, Inc. Thank you to our platinum sponsor, Divah' Anu Image Media. Thank you to our other silver sponsor, More Than Java Cafe. Thank you to our associate producer and national television producer, Stay Fly Entertainment and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment. Thank you to the Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission, Howard County Chapter of NAACP,  as well as ALL of our seed donors, advertisers, cast and crew!

"In an imperfect world, there is no perfect family. Cheyenne, a young woman in a bi-racial and blended family, is struggling with the knowledge of generational verbal and emotional abuse. She fears the brokenness within her will never be recognized. Some family wounds run generations deep. How can Cheyenne change her family tree?"  A "dramedy" that will make you laugh, cry and think about how you interact with family. Curtain is just about one week away! Do you have your ticket yet? Tickets are ONLY available ONLINE at! (Shows are in order of occurrence.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

One More Major Update Regarding "Broken Pieces"

GOD is AMAZING!! It is with an extreme humbling honor that I share the last of the major updates with you regarding Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep! I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to our newest gold Sponsor, Capital Remodeling, Inc and our platinum sponsor, celebrity photographer Divah' Anu Image Media! Thank you again to our returning gold sponsor, Rent-A-Center, Laurel and silver sponsor, More Than Java Cafe. I am extremely grateful for videographer and editor, Chris James Films and our associate producer, National T.V. Producer, Terron of Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment! Thank you to the Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission and all of our seed donors, advertisers and of course our cast and crew!! Join us for history in the making! Our Saturday shows are being recorded as well as audience response for t.v./streaming this message of hope and healing.

"In an imperfect world, there is no perfect family. Cheyenne, a young woman in a bi-racial and blended family, is struggling with the knowledge of generational verbal and emotional abuse. She fears the brokenness within her will never be recognized. Some family wounds run generations deep. How can Cheyenne change her family tree?"  A "dramedy" that will make you laugh, cry and think about how you interact with family. Tickets are ONLY available ONLINE at! (Shows are in order of occurrence.)

Saturday, October 6, 2018

WOW! We are exactly two weeks out from our second show run!!! This time, preparing for a bigger stage. Are you ready for Broken Pieces?!?! It's a "dramedy" on dealing and healing from verbal and emotional abuse in families. We're including audience response. Do you have your ticket?!?! Tickets are ONLY available online! No door purchases. Tickets available at HUGE THANK YOU to Rent-A-Center Laurel, More Than Java Cafe, Terron of Stay Fly Entertainment, LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment as well as Chris James Films, Howard Community College Entertainment Technology Department, Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission, NAACP Howard County Branch, our seed donors and advertisers! And of course, our cast, returning and new!

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

I pray this message finds you well. It's with great pleasure that I announce the last addition to our cast, Enrique Mejia Bonaparte. Our team is very excited to have Enrique aboard! I want to take this time to thank each and every returning cast member and those in our production crew! I also want to take this time to thank GOD for sending my former mentor, who became my friend, business partner/co-founder and sister and for her support over the years, especially now. I am very appreciative and thankful for our returning sponsor, Rent-A-Center Laurel, our newest sponsor, More Than Java Cafe, our partnerships with Howard Community College Theater Department, Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission, our seed donors who will be listed in our program and all of our advertisers!

You have to remember to praise GOD during the delays because in the delays, HE is setting things up to be even greater than you imagined!!!  It is with a grateful heart and ALL praise to GOD that I announce to you that "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep" has just partnered with National T.V. Producer, Terron, of Stay Fly Entertainment LLC and affiliate Brandstar Entertainment! Yes, you read it right! "Broken Pieces" will be recorded to be a global message about dealing and healing from verbal and emotional abuse! Remember, we are using drama and laughter to help others. I look forward to seeing you October 20-21st, during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month to use media to make a difference! Tickets available online ONLY at! SEE YOU THERE!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

More Updates Regarding "Broken Pieces"

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am happy to announce we have newcomer actor, Mark Smith joining the cast of  "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep." The cast is excited about the addition to our team!  I want to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to More Than Java Cafe of Laurel for becoming our Silver Sponsor! I also want to thank Rent-A-Center Laurel for their continued support at the Gold Sponsorship level. Thank you to the Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission and Howard Community College Theater Department for their support  and partnerships as well as our seed donors and advertisers! We can't wait to see you during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month as we tackle the issue of verbal and emotional abuse using laughter and drama. Do you have your ticket yet? Tickets available online ONLY at!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

FOX Network Returning to a "90's Style Family Sitcom"

Tonight was the FOX Network DC Screening of "REL" The sitcom is based loosely on the life of comedian and actor, Lil Rel Howery ("Get Out," "Insecure," and "The Carmichael Show.") Rel plays himself in the comedy about a man who loses everything after learning his wife had an affair with his barber.  Rel must now begin the difficult task of adjusting to life after the family separation and "being a long distance dad." The show is set in Rel's native Chicago and also stars Sinbad ("A Different World," "The Sinbad Show," "Jingle All the Way") as Rel's "prideful Dad." Lil Rel Howery is also joined in the cast by Jess "Hilarious" Moore ("Wild 'N Out') as his best friend, Brittany and Jordan L. Jones ("NCIS Los Angeles," and "Wisdom of the Crowd") as his younger brother, Nat who just recently exited jail. The comedy is dealing with real life issues as art imitating life but using comedy to help digest it.

Tonight's screening was moderated by comedian and radio personality Joe Clair of 95.5FM WPGC. In attendance from the cast was Jordan L. Jones. Jones reiterated several times during the Q&A that the objective is to return to a "90's style family sitcom ." For those of us Gen-Xers, the 90s style of almost everything was the best. Jones shared that while his objective is of course to learn his lines, he prepares for the role of Nat by bringing himself to the character. Jones made it clear that he's a faith based man who wants to remain humble.

The series premiere is Sunday, September 9th at 8pm ET/PT on FOX. #RelonFox

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

More GREAT news to share about the stage production, "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep!" I want to give a public thank you to the Howard County Office of Human Rights and The Human Rights Commission for their support again on the production. I also want thank the Howard Community College Department of Theatre for their support! And I would be remiss if I didn't give credit to Rent-A-Center Laurel for their HUGE support of the production. Thank you to our advertisers and seed donors as well. Community support is rising to help heal the family. It's a family friendly stage production mixed with laughter and drama to bring awareness to the need to heal wounds. Do you have your ticket yet? Tickets available online ONLY at!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have changed the dates of our upcoming production, "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep!" Our NEW show dates are for October 20-21, 2018! Our second show run is just in time for Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Yes, verbal and emotional abuse fall under domestic violence. Take note of the NEW dates and join us October 20-21, 2018!! AGAIN, it's not a holiday weekend!!

If you didn't see us in May, this is your chance!! If you did see us in May, and really wished a family member or friend had been with you because the message of healing and hope from verbal and emotional abuse was so powerful, then I encourage YOU to bring them with YOU or gift them with tickets! Tickets available online ONLY at Don't forget to view our Gallery!! We look forward to using laughter and drama to spread a positive message!!!

Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are available. We are indeed grateful for Rent-A-Center Laurel for their sponsorship again. Thank you to our advertisers!

Be part of the healing movement!


Saturday, August 4, 2018


Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come bearing GREAT NEWS!! You guessed it! "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep" the stage production is coming back this FALL!!! Are you excited?!?! WE ARE!! The show received awesome reviews and standing ovations!!! Please pay attention to which show you are purchasing tickets for when you visit our website. And it's not a holiday weekend!!! It's September 29-30th!  If you didn't see us in May, this is your chance!! If you did see us in May, and really wished a family member or friend had been with you because the message of healing and hope from verbal and emotional abuse was so powerful, then I encourage YOU to bring them with YOU or gift them with tickets! Tickets available online ONLY at Don't forget to view our Gallery!! We look forward to using laughter and drama to spread a positive message!!!

Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are available. We are indeed grateful for Rent-A-Center Laurel for their sponsorship again.

Be part of the healing movement!


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Vision Brings Consciousness of Time

Joel 2:28-29

Yesterday, when God pressed upon me to share this message on my Facebook, I really didn't think it was for everyone beyond those on my Facebook, not even the Get Your JOY In The Morning page. But He has continued to press upon me that this message is to be shared with even more. Everyone is not on Facebook and some have that are may not see it with the new logarithms. 

I am still dealing with visions GOD showed me more than 20years ago, in some cases more than 30. I say this because not every vision is fun and some are a mixed bag. The last two yrs many of you have watched me as I have been watching a particularly disturbing 27yr old vision play out. You may not know but my Great Granddad passed the day before my birthday. Another death occurred on another side of my family within a day after my stage production. One that GOD had me praying for long before I knew of the terminal illness overtaking them. It is not easy but I thank GOD for HIS grace being sufficient and the power of prayer. "We only see in part" as the Word says. In Matrix Reloaded, the Oracle talked to Neo about "seeing without time" because he began having visions that troubled him but no "construct" of its timing. I have also been truly blessed to watch some beautiful visions play out. In the Bible, Joseph and Daniel also saw "without time."  As a matter of fact, Daniel once asked an angel when a particular vision would occur. But the angel told him that was not the concern. The odd thing, when you have visions and see them unfold, you become more conscious of time. 🕛 I love you! What are you doing with your time? If you understand the things you see around you, then you already know the time we are in. You never know how long you have to complete what GOD gave you to do. Now this is separate from some of the more saddened news. Please pray, continue to love and be a help but you must keep moving in what HE said to do despite what you see.

Be Well

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Good Evening Ladies and Gents,

#brokenpiecestheplay has just added yet another sponsor!!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Rent-A-Center Laurel for their sponsorship! Thank you again to Dr. Hattie N. Washington, Chick-Fil-A Columbia and our seed donors who have contributed to our community production! Thank you also to all our advertisers! Thank you also to the Howard County Office of Human Rights/Human Rights Commission and supporters!

Are you part of the solution against verbal and emotional abuse in families? It's often the precursor to bullying. Are you ready for some laughter, tears and smiles? We have an amazing and talented cast! Do you have your ticket? Tickets can ONLY be purchased ONLINE at

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

There is a Link Between Abuse and Bullying- Are You Ready for "Broken Pieces?"

Did you know that nearly 50% of child bullies are also victims of abuse/neglect and/or witness violence in the home per Did you know that 30% of abused children go on to  abuse their own children per Attacking problems of bullying and abuse at the school level are commendable but we also have to solve the problem from the family perspective. Do you have children and/or interact with children? You are still part of a family dynamic regardless of age. Are you part of the solution? Join us on May 26-27th for Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep at the Howard County Center for the Arts Black Box Theatre as we work on awareness and solutions. We have an amazing cast and crew of both adults and children! This monumental filmed stage production is also being promoted by the Howard County Office of Human Rights to high school students. You will laugh, cry and smile your way through. Do you have your ticket? Tickets are ONLY available online at via your laptop/ipad/notebook. A special thank you to our sponsors Dr. Hattie N. Washington (former founder of Aunt Hattie's Place in Baltimore) and Chick-Fil-A Columbia, MD. We also thank our seed donors and advertisers.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

"Broken Pieces" Update

Abuse is real no matter which form it takes whether against adult or child! I'm exposing an abuse in the family unit with an AMAZING GROUP of people! This abuse is often overlooked and overshadowed but being exposed to get to healing. Are you part of the solution? #brokenpiecestheplay debut and filming! You'll laugh, cry and smile! Tickets available at Thank you again to our sponsors, Dr. Hattie N. Washington and Chick-Fil-A Columbia as well as our seed donors. Thank you also to our advertisers.

Monday, April 30, 2018

HUGE UPDATE Regarding "Broken Pieces"

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is with GREAT pleasure that I announce to you an addition to the Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep production! #brokenpiecestheplay will be a FILMED stage production! I want to give a HUGE welcome to Chris James Films!! Chris James Films has worked with me on a previous film project where I was a writer and executive producer. We are teaming up again! NOW you know why you can't afford to miss this ONE WEEKEND ONLY event! Thanks again to our sponsors Dr. Hattie N. Washington, Chick-Fil-A Columbia, MD and our seed donors. Do you have your ticket? Tickets are available online only at

Monday, April 23, 2018

Interview on STOP Child Abuse NOW Radio

Good Evening Family and Friends,

In addition to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it is also Child Abuse Prevention Month. Though every day of the year is a day to prevent child abuse, April is designated as such. 

Some of you may or may not know, I am an active member and an ambassador of the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). NAASCA provides information to individuals and institutions to prevent child abuse and information for  abused children and untreated adults. NAASCA advocates against any form of child abuse (sexual, violence, verbal, neglect, etc). They have a blog talk radio show called STOP Child Abuse NOW.

I will be on STOP Child Abuse NOW Radio this Wednesday, April 25th at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT and 5pm PT. 

You are welcome to listen in at


Friday, April 20, 2018

Broken Pieces the Play- Do You Have Your Ticket?

Do you have your ticket for #brokenpiecestheplay? Tickets will NOT be sold at the door! This is a ONE weekend event only! Tickets will sell out! It's a time of laughter, drama and music under one roof as a form of healing from emotional and verbal abuse in families. Tickets are available at A huge thank you again to our sponsors, Dr. Hattie N. Washington and #Chickfila in Columbia, MD as well as our seed donors. Thank you to our actors for their dedication! And thank you to our advertisers for their partnership!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Special Guest Speaker Tonight

I am honored to join tonight's call with Sisters4Sisters, Inc. A wonderful group that is on the front lines. If you or anyone you know can benefit from tonight's call, spread the word.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"Broken Pieces" Update

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

#brokenpiecestheplay has just added another sponsor! Thank you to Chick-Fil-A Columbia for their sponsorship! Sponsorships are still available. Thank you again to Dr. Hattie N. Washington for her sponsorship and to our seed donors who have contributed to our community stage production! Do you have your ticket?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Official Poster Flyer for "Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep"

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please see attached the official poster flyer for Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep.  Please note there are NO tickets at the door. ALL tickets must be bought online in ADVANCE. This event WILL sell out! The website is

Friday, March 30, 2018


Good Day,

It is with GREAT JOY (pun intended), that during this 9th anniversary weekend of the Get Your JOY In The Morning writing ministry, I announce to you the official revealing of the stage production, Broken Pieces: Some Family Wounds Run Generations Deep! The journey to bringing this production to life is nothing short of God inspired. I hope you and your family join us Memorial Day weekend. Some of you may be VERY surprised at the faces you see. Please visit our production website at for tickets and more information.

We are very grateful to our sponsor, Dr. Hattie N. Washington and several seed donors. Opportunities are still available as well as ad space in our theater playbill. An official flyer for organizations that wish to print information is forthcoming. Please note, when tickets are gone, they are gone.
Thank you for staying on this journey with Get Your JOY In The Morning!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Testimony

Good Morning,
I know it has been a while. I've been quietly working on a project. As the time of public revealing gets closer, I realize it is time to give a testimony about something the LORD recently did for me. Many of you know through my book, Get Your JOY In The Morning,  this mailing list or through hearing me speak at previous events that ten years ago last week i was told I was going to die in a matter of 48hrs. The procedure I underwent to help save my life was revealed to me by the Lord. Well, recently, I underwent a new level healing. That healing was very painful, scary and caused me to go through every test known to man. Bottom line, the tumor that was going to snuff me out, God caused it to completely disintegrate and expel itself. What I just experienced only happens to 5% of patients who underwent the procedure I came through. So, I am now in that 5%. A medical miracle! No one can ever tell me again that following purpose is in vain. So, to GOD be the glory!