Matthew 25:14-19
Do you believe there is
purpose in everything that happens to you and around you? Do you believe
that God uses every experience? Do you believe that every person alive
has a purpose? Then you are referring to Romans 8:28 which states, "And
we know all things work together for good to those who are the called
according to His purpose." If you do indeed believe this to be
true and read the last Get Your JOY In The Morning on "Highs and Lows,"
then you will understand what I am about to share.
our time together last, I shared about my recent lows. Well there was
one more low to arrive the day after Thanksgiving and the day prior to
my classmate's home going service. The fourth person in the month of
November had passed on, once again, cancer. The irony, it would make the
ninth passing in the 2018 calendar year of those whose lives had
crossed my path. I'm not talking over the two years, you all are not
ready for those numbers. I remember when I was first introduced to
"Jess" by her then boyfriend who would later become her husband. 'Jess,"
had a beautiful and bright smile that I cannot forget. I saw her, her
boyfriend and the family every week for a period of years. We also
traveled together. Though I knew this loss was coming as her husband
posted about the waiting, I just didn't realize it would be so soon. My
heart goes out to the family.
In processing my
grief, I had a reality check. I shared some realizations for you before,
but let me break this down for you in numbers. Out of the nine people
who have passed this year, three were blood relatives, all on separate
sides of my family ranging from ages 53-92. The remaining were friends,
classmates, former co-workers and associates. Of the nine, five were
between the ages of 30-47. Does this now bring more relevance to what I
shared in the last post? I am not attempting to focus on the morbid but
to focus on the reality and importance of understanding and following
YOUR GOD given purpose. I'm also here to focus on the fact that death is
not a respecter of age. Many of you know from the book, Get Your JOY In The Morning,
that I was on my way to joining the numbers ten years ago of those who
would pass on at an early age, approaching the age of 33. My solace and
my drive, comes from the knowledge and faith that I asked GOD for more
time so that I could live out and do what HE called me to do. He came to
collect on that promise one calendar year later to the month. Hence the
devotionals you read and all the things that have come thereafter.
have spiritual gifts, also known as charismatic gifts, if you have
received the Holy Spirit upon your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Savior. You also have talents that GOD has placed in you that
may or may not be developed. The parable of the talents is in the
scripture referenced at the beginning. Yes, it refers to money. But also
symbolizes the gifts you have been given. If you know Proverbs 18:16
and Jeremiah 29:11 (look them up), then you will understand GOD has
already mapped out a plan for your life. You just have to be willing to
seek HIM out, that you may discover the gifts and talents. Why I am
sharing this with you? Some of the people that have gone on in the last
two years were found in purpose when the Lord called their name. The
prophetic dream I had 27 years ago, showed a lot of what I see now, but
again, no faces. Part of my purpose and that of what GOD has called me
and those with me, through Get Your JOY In The Morning! LLC to do, is to
reinforce, the necessity of finding YOUR GOD given purpose. It's
especially for those who are considered to be young. Is this making
sense to you now? How long will you wait? When the Lord calls your name
to come home, will HE find you in purpose?
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