Monday, May 5, 2014


Ecclesiastes 5:15
15As he came from his mother's womb, naked shall he return, to go as he came; and he shall take nothing from his labor which he may carry away in his hand.
King Solomon, the wealthiest man in the Old Testament, received a very sobering revelation from God. No matter how many possessions acquired during a person's earthly life, when it is over, those things must be placed in the hands of someone else. There are some people who are so vain in their wealth that they request to be buried with their treasures. But as it has come to our attention in recent weeks, people are exhuming graves to take the wealth from rotting corpses. If you cannot take the riches and jewels with you, why be so obsessed? There is nothing wrong with having nice things. But obsession of possessions can only last for so long. The NKJ Study Bible gives the following translation, "Ultimately, death comes to us all, and we all face the grave empty-handed."  Jesus gave a parable in Luke 12 where a man "thought within himself, saying 'What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?' The man had acquired so much in wealth that he had no place to put it but thought he could it enjoy it for many years. He planned to build a bigger and better place to store his excess. But alas, his life was snatched from him that night. There was no family to leave the overwhelming abundance to; no one to share it with. The reason God blesses you is so you can be blessing to others. A couple verses above in Chapter 5, King Solomon was given the revelation that riches kept for their owner to his hurt but those riches perish through misfortune. It can leave you. Chapter 6 speaks of a man God has blessed so much with riches and wealth but he can't even enjoy it. You can only use so much. The true treasure as mentioned in Psalm 127 and 128, having those you love to enjoy. Obsession of possessions is not necessary because you can't take any of it with you.  

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