Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Petition for Action

Good Morning,
Today is not a normal message but a petition to you for your community action and involvement in two ways. Some of you in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virginia) area may have recently seen the WUSA9 news broadcast stories on Safe Shores. For those of you who have not, Safe Shores is the D.C. Child Advocacy Center to help sexually abused children. I connected with Safe Shores through the D.C. Child & Family Services for my D.C. Community event last October. I have since become an ambassador for Safe Shores and will host a tour this month. As said in the broadcast and in my book, Shh Don't Tell, acts of child abuse are often committed against children by the very people they are supposed to trust. It can be family, friends of family, teachers, coaches, etc. Next to death itself, abuse is the worst violent crime a person can commit against a child.   What is abuse? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines abuse as 1) a corrupt practice 2) misuse 3) coarse and insulting speech 4) mistreatment .
There are many forms of abuse committed against children. You may have even read about the more than 200 young girls kidnapped in Nigeria or about the children the same group slaughtered while they were in the school house. The young girl in D.C. still missing from the homeless shelter. Psalm 127:3 says that children are a heritage from the Lord. What does this mean to you? It means if you have children, you owe it to them and God who blessed you with them, to know how to protect them and what to look for should ANYONE attempt to harm them. If you do not have children but know children, it means you still owe it to them to know how to protect them and what to look for should ANYONE attempt to harm them. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I am petitioning you to help stop it from happening to other children and/or to help those already harmed. How? There are two ways! 1) Join me this month for the tour of Safe Shores in Washington, D.C. You can email me directly at and I will give you the details and/or 2) purchase the book, Shh Don't Tell at and read about the warning signs to look for, what to do in case abuse has occurred and my God, what NOT to do to a child that has been abused as it could increase their suffering.

God Bless You!

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