Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Naked You

Psalm 32:10
10Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.
The psalm of David speaks of God's mercy. You often hear, "I thank God for grace and mercy." But do you understand what true mercy is? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines mercy as 1) compassion shown to an offender, also imprisonment rather than death for first-degree murder, 2) a blessing resulting from divine favor or compassion: also a fortunate circumstance 3) compassion shown to victims of misfortune.
Mercy is something you and I do not deserve but God is willing to give. It means not receiving the full punishment for the offense committed. What offense did you commit that God granted mercy to you though the punishment you deserved was more? In the psalm David talks of confessing his sin and earnestly praying to God without a deceitful heart. He speaks of the wicked who will be sorrowful but the one who trusts in the Lord shall receive mercy. No deceit in the heart and lips. No one can lie to God and think He does not know it. God knows exactly every thought that you do not utter. So, half-heartedly confessing something does not say you have a contrite heart and spirit. God does not need lip service. He needs the true naked you. The naked you that is willing to cry, willing to say, "I am sorry; please forgive me Lord." He wants the naked you that will not play the card of pride with a clenched jaw but will open your mouth and speak from the heart. The naked you is the one who receives mercy. Yes, Jesus shed His blood on Calvary. But you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. Remember, Jesus said what comes out of the mouth is what is in the heart. So if you do not see your error in your heart, you will not confess. But mercy cannot be yours without the two walking together.

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