Monday, March 31, 2014

Tough Love as Discipline

Proverbs 20:30
30 Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, As do stripes the inner depths of the heart.
Let's be honest, discipline hurts whether verbally or physically. King Solomon refers to physically disciplining a child. However, many reading this message are children of the Most High God and joint heirs with Christ. God is Abba (Father), and He is also one who disciplines. The translation of the scripture in the NKJ Study Bible states, "The purpose of discipline is not to wound or cause pain but to heal a person of evil and lead him to maturity. Sometimes when the conscience is slow to work, physical discipline is needed to break the most stubborn self-will."  God will bring a word forth through whomever He chooses to get our attention. When that doesn't work, He will use circumstances in your life to strike some blows as a way to break you of your stubborn self-will and bring you to maturity in Christ. Don't believe me? Let's look at something He instructed you to do through the Holy Spirit. Did you listen? What happened when you didn't? Did you feel the physical outcome of not listening? Has He sent the same word of instruction to you repeatedly and you failed to listen? What happened? Sooner or later He stops talking and allows you to feel the results of your stubborn choices. Going through the pain does not mean that the Lord God does not love you. He says in His word that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He simply loves you so much that He disciplines you when you are out of line. Proverbs 13:24 says, He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.  The NKJ Study Bible gives a translation of the verse as, "God disciplines His children, and earthly parents are instructed to do the same."  Abba disciplines us to keep us on track. Remember you and I have been created for His purpose. And His purpose is paramount to your individual agenda. Tough love from Abba hurts yes, but it shows yet again that He loves you just that much.

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