James 4:7
7Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
The apostle James wrote of how pride and thinking
highly of oneself is what causes strife. It is pride that gets in the
way of seeing the needs of anyone outside of yourself. It is the reason
why you can possibly use people at any opportunity. It is the reason
why you seek certain things but God refuses to release them to you
because He knows your true motive for asking. The apostle James gave
the command from God which is that everyone must submit to God. This is
the solution to removing pride. It is the solution to resisting the
devil and how he will flee.
Saturday night I watched the animated film Justice League:
Doom which Wikipedia reports is loosely based from the Justice League
story "Tower of Babel". If any of you know "Tower of Babel" it is a real
Biblical reference and refers to the pride of the people who wished to
build the "highest" tower in recognition of themselves and because of
their plan, God stepped in and neutralized them all and changed the
languages they spoke so they could not understand each other nor build
the tower as everyone once spoke the same language. But back to the
film as this is going somewhere and is very relevant to this scripture.
Vandal Savage had a plan to wipe out a portion of the earth but what he
needed was to get the Justice League out of the way. So how did he do
it? He used Batman's plans. Batman was a very calculated person who knew
the strengths and weaknesses of each person in the Justice League. And
in the event that anyone from the Justice league became overpowered by
pride because of the authority and power they had, Batman understood
what would weaken them and "neutralize" them. However, Vandal Savage
took Batman's information and expounded on it so that neutralizing would
turn to killing them. He then used those who had personal vendettas
against the Justice League and would carry out his expanded plan. Each
one of them thought they killed the perspective Justice League member.
Now what does this have to do with the scripture? Everything!
In the event you begin to think too highly of yourself because of
whatever position and/or authority, blessing you have been allowed to
receive, God has a way to "neutralize" you. He has a "contingency" plan
for you. What you don't often understand is that just as He has a
"contingency" plan for you, the devil and enemy of your soul like Vandal
Savage, hopes to find out what that plan is and use it to steal, kill
and destroy you and everything God has for you. He may even enlist
others who have a personal vendetta against you and or want what you
have and will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it. So how do
you prevent the devil from taking a plan to neutralize to one that
steals from you, kills you and destroys all you have and are? Submit to
God!! Submitting to God stops the enemy from getting his foot in the
door. Submitting to God means you won't have time to entertain the devil
at all! It means that you remember whatever God has given you, actually
belongs to God and you must count yourself privileged to have whatever
position, whatever authority, whatever blessing, whatever you have and
know that it is because of GOD that you have it. When you submit to God
you don't even have time to entertain those people who mean you no good
and seek to use you.
P.S. Remember to RSVP for my book signing event on Sunday, November 10th at Barnes & Noble for
Shh Don't Tell in Baltimore (The Avenue at White Marsh) from 4pm-8pm. I can't wait to see YOU!!
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