Friday, November 1, 2013

Watch Out

Psalm 59:7

7Indeed, they belch with their mouth; Swords are in their lips; For they say, "Who hears?"

Young David had long been anointed as the next king by the Prophet Samuel. Unfortunately, Saul, the current king, was very aware that David would take his place. For some time Saul had made plans to kill David though David served him faithfully. The idea that someone else would take Saul's place didn't sit well with him. And of course not. Who wants to loose their place of authority and position to someone under them? Fits of rage would befall Saul but again, this was as a result of his own misdeeds of disobedience. But as said previously, blaming someone was an easier road to take rather than accept what he failed to do. That is what he did with David. David never harmed him but served him with love. He repaid David's loving service with evil. Just after the title of this Psalm, the NKJ Study Bible gives a background noting that Saul sent men to kill David and they watched the house for an opportunity.

When someone is jealous of the gifts God has placed in you as well as your purpose and your call, like David, you may hear unkind words being said about you, whether publicly done or privately. When someone doesn't understand your purpose and your call you will likely hear the same. These people may even smile in your face while devising plans in their thoughts of how to get back at you though you have done nothing to them. Some of them may have even been people you have helped at one time or another. And like Saul, they are attempting to repay your loving service with evil. There are people who speak ill will about you yet think no one knows but the ones they are speaking to. In their arrogance, they are unaware that God hears and sees all.

I will never forget when I was warned by two prophets and one with the gift of prophecy about three people who were talking about me and wishing ill against me though I helped and only wished to see them succeed. When I was told, I was also told that God had been dealing with each one of them accordingly. I was told to call one of them. And what I found was that she was suddenly ailing. The second had to reach out to me for help for something. Each time she made very off color remarks to me, God set it up that she would have to come back for help. In Proverbs it says that one who slanders is a fool. And God's elect, who is anyone in the body of Christ, is not to be attacked. The attack doesn't have to be a physical one as the one against David. It can be verbal. God hears. And He does deal accordingly. Saul and everyone in his household had an ugly fate. Their fate was sealed and pronounced when Saul searched out a witch to conjure up the soul of the dead prophet Samuel in order to find out his fate before war. Incidentally, this was the same practice the priests of Ireland used to honor the dead souls aka part of the history of Halloween. Priests used their bodies as an entry way for the dead to speak to those who sought to find out their fortunes as we learned in on our Bible Study conference call this week. If you wish to know more, you can respond to me and I will gladly give you the replay number to listen to the recorded Bible Study.

P.S. We are one week out from the Sunday, November 10th event at Barnes & Noble in White Marsh. Please RSVP either through email or on the fan page via Facebook.

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