Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Community Icon Remembered

Good Evening,

Obviously this is not your typically message nor its time frame. But today, many Radio One listeners, radio/media personalities and the black author community of the DC Metro area are mourning the loss of "Ms. DC's Community." I recall my first encounter with Mrs. Sheila Stewart-Russell. I received a text message from my dear friend George Cooper who heard Sheila on the radio as she was looking for Black authors for a community event she and her husband, Pastor Bill Russell were sponsoring. George forwarded me the cell phone number but didn't say who it belonged to. I called and left a message. About an hour later I missed a call. I listened to my voicemail to find that Ms. DC's Community had called me. I called her back and we chatted about her event for summer 2010. She wanted to help other local Black authors because she knew the challenges that came with pursuing this type of dream. She too was an author. My book was still in production with the publisher so I wasn't ready for her event. She still encouraged me to come out and network. In the meantime, I asked her if I could add her to the Get Your JOY In The Morning email devotional list. She gladly accepted. She would encourage me in between her sets in the studio. I met some great people at her event and several are still on this distribution list. One I met, Jackie Shakur-Powell was instrumental in giving me background on how to write a book to convert to other forms of media when I was in the infant stages of my second book. My time on Sheila's website also led me to Hey Papi Christian Promotions and it's founder, Shawn Papi.  I thank God for the time Sheila encouraged me. I thank God for the time I was able to glimpse her beautiful smile and her warm and receiving voice. I thank God for the connections made. I thank God for the many saints of Christ she served in announcing the good news of what was happening in the kingdom of God across the area. My sincere condolences to Pastor Bill Russell as he has lost his wife and first lady of their church and their 3 year old has lost a mommy.

As I was driving home, God kept giving me this beautiful imagery of Sheila taking a tour of Heaven and sitting in the face of Jesus. I can only imagine her being ready to continue in Heaven what she has done here on earth, reporting the good news to the saints of the many choirs singing and worshiping God and all of the wonderful activities going on amongst the other saints who have gone home to glory. Though my heart is sad, it is still joyous to know that even in Heaven, Sheila is still, "Ms. DC's Community."  You will be missed Sheila and thank you! I do not take lightly the opportunity to have been encouraged by one such as you.

As said this morning, Job 1:21 "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

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