Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Choose Life

Deuteronomy 30:19-20a

19I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may life; 20that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him,

Moses, the man God chose to deliver His people, reminded them of the covenant agreement that would restore them to a loving relationship with God that they may enjoy the land and blessing God was ready to present to them. Moses called on all of heaven and earth because no one can escape the eyes of God no matter where they go. Love the Lord your God and obey His voice. Sounds simple enough right? But do you really love God? Is He really close to your heart? When you think about all He has sacrificed for you do you weep? When you know you have turned your back on Him do you drop to your knees with tears? Do you obey His voice? Or do you spend your time listening to everyone else? Obeying His voice may mean the opposite of what your friends and family think and say. Do you cling to God or are you clinging to what you think will cause everyone to like you?

Moses spoke what God gave him and the words were to "choose life".  What is life? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary states life as 1)the quality that distinguishes a vital and functioning being from a dead body or inanimate being 2) the physical and mental experiences of an individual 3)biography 4) a specific phase or period 5) the period from birth to death 6)a way of living 7)person 8) animation, spirit 9) living beings 10)animate activity 11)one providing interest and vigor. So if you are living and breathing have you chosen life? But breathing alone simply does not mean you are alive. There are many people breathing who are spiritually dead. Jesus said Himself that He is, the Truth, the Way and the Life. He is the living water. He is the bread of life. Which means you are alive if you have chosen God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit the Counselor. Remember when Jesus called the first disciples in Matthew 8? When the one said, "I will follow you but first let me bury my father." Jesus replied, "Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead." Yes, those that are dead physically are indeed dead. But there are some who are breathing that are also dead. Dead meaning their spirit is dead. So to revert back to what God gave Moses, choosing life means choosing Christ. Choosing life means choosing to obey the voice of God and no other. Choosing life means loving God first and remembering what Jesus did for you. Choose life!! Again I say, choose life!!!

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