Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Your History Lesson

Acts 23:9
9Then there arose a loud outcry. And the scribes of the Pharisees' party arose and protested, saying, "We find no evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, let us not fight against God."
The apostle Paul and been arrested by a commander while he was in the temple. The commander, however, was not aware who he was arresting. Paul was not just an apostle and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, he had some roots. He was being accused of being a disruptor by the Jews. From the time before Jesus up until this point, Jerusalem was under Roman rule. Paul was actually born a Roman citizen and under Roman law, a citizen of Rome had a right to appear before his accusers to know for what he was being accused of. During Paul's questioning he realized he was addressing both Pharisees and Sadduccees on the Sanhedrin. What they were unaware of was Paul's background. Paul was once a Pharisee and was the son of one. He was raised in Jewish tradition. And because of it, he could appeal to them even more.
As much as Jesus spoke against the Pharisees as the Jewish leaders, many are not aware but our Old Testament is based from the Septuagint which contained what the Pharisees taught and scriptures talked about. But the Pharisee believed in angels and spirits. So when Paul described to them his encounter with Jesus as a spirit, he was not speaking against what they believed.
What does this mean to you? Like Paul, knowing who you are and whose you are is always to your benefit, even if others are not aware. And your past is never in vain, God can use for His purpose. But also know when God allows you to know the company of people you are in, he can easily put you in a position of favor.
P.S. A Huge thank you to the Leap of Faith Network for attending the pre-release book signing and reading of my new book, Shh Don't Tell!  I also want to thank Jenny Farrow of JennydPhotography for her assistance and to everyone who attended!

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