Monday, January 28, 2013

Which Way Are You Walking?

Isaiah 2:5

5Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Isaiah was one of the prophets who repeatedly spoke of the coming of the Lord. Jacob was given a new name by God, Israel. And Isaiah is urging the house of Jacob or Israel to walk in the direction of light that leads to the Lord. To walk, as defined by Merriam-Webster's Dictionary is 1) to move or cause to move on foot, 2) to pass over, 3) to perform or accomplish by walking, 4) to follow a course of action or way of life (humbly in the sight of God) also a manner of living, conduct or behavior. So many of us take steps every day but which way are you walking? Are you walking on the path God has for you? Are you walking in the light or are you walking towards darkness? Are you taking the steps that God has laid out of you or are you taking your own path? The direction that God has provides you with a definite security in Him where you are protected. When walking on your own path, you have no idea where it leads. It's like walking through the woods with no compass. Walking through the woods means you're not supposed to stay there but if you have no compass, which is the Lord's light, then you are bound to be lost and wander there for longer than you are supposed to. So which way are you walking?

P.S. Remember to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show Mondays on and listen for new Get Your JOY In The Morning segments coming soon!

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