Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is It Clear Yet?

John 16:31

31"You believe at last!"  Jesus answered.

Jesus was preparing the disciples for His departure. He told them they wouldn't see Him for a little while then they would see Him. It's the "now you see me now you don't" scenario between the time of the crucifixion and the resurrection. The disciples didn't understand and began to ask each other questions. When Jesus knew their thoughts without them asking Him and began to clarify for them, they understood. What seemed like perplexing parables to them became clear. They confessed that He could only be from God. And it was at that point that Jesus knew they finally believed. When you believe and Jesus begins to speak, you will understand. No more will it sound like the  teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoon. His voice will be clear. And when you finally know that you can hear Jesus clearly, it's like a room that's been totally dark and suddenly the light bulb comes on and illuminates the room. It's bright and gives the room a new look. Jesus speaks but because of sin and disbelief, ears cannot always hear. And just because you believe in general doesn't mean that's in ALL things Jesus says through the Holy Spirit. There are different levels of belief. What has Jesus told you? Has the light bulb of belief finally come on for you? Is it clear yet?

Checkout my girl Stubbs and the relaunch of the Leap of Faith Show on the Leap of Faith Network coming in February on and listen for new Get Your JOY In The Morning segments!

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