Friday, December 30, 2011

Confession vs. Deceit

Psalm 32:2
2Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.

David was grateful because God presents us with the His gift of forgiveness. The Lord has the ability to blot out our sins and give us a do over. The catch is we have to be honest with God and confess. Unfortunately, many of us lie to ourselves and others so it's no wonder that the same game is played with God. Yes, it is. We attempt to justify our wrongs with God. "I wouldn't have done this if xyz hadn't have happened or said person didn't do xyz. Here's the deal, two wrongs don't make a right. We can not control the thoughts and actions of others but we can control ourselves. Being honest with God is not because he doesn't know, he knows anyway but he just wants to hear it. Just like when we were children, our parents asked us a question about something we did wrong, not because they didn't know we did it but they wanted to hear our confession. Not giving the confession says one lacks humility and possesses a level of deceit. How can one deceive God when he already knows you say? Because it never came from the perpetrator. He had to use His own infinite wisdom and knowledge to know who did what. So if God didn't know, one would've lied about it. It's just that simple. So the next time we are presented with this situation, which is daily, think about the confession vs the deceit. And know that the Lord deserves our honest confession because he offers the priceless gift of forgiveness.

May you all have a wonderful and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May God show you a "new" you in 2012!!!

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