Monday, January 2, 2012

God Does Everything with Purpose

Genesis 45:5
5And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.

Joseph had a sobering and sentimental moment with his brothers while in leadership in Egypt. So many years had passed that they had no idea it was Joseph. They thought surely he was dead because of what they had done. But sometimes when God changes you, people don't recognize you. And it's okay if they don't. It's okay if they see that God has made you over. Seeing you as a new man or woman in Christ can put someone else on the road to deliverance in ways we're not aware of. On top of that, Joesph had to explain to them not to be angry at themselves for selling him to the Egyptians. God knew what they were going to do and He used it for His purposes. The beauty of our Lord is that He can take anything that someone meant for evil against you and work it for His good. No matter what the person's motives are. The jealousy his brothers had toward him was the catalyst for their actions. Thoughts, became feelings which turned into action. But they had no idea they played right into God's plan anyway which was to prepare Joesph for his ultimate leadership role. What a set up!!! As we stare into the first few days of this new year, the new you that God wants to show you consists of the changes He will do on the inside first that will exude to your outer shell. It's for His glory that the Lord wants to make you over. Like Joesph, the Lord is preparing you for something and using every experience good or not so good to do so. What it is, well that's between you and Jesus but know that when it happens, you'll have the light bulb moment like Joseph, understanding that our God does everything with purpose.

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