Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holding One Another Up or Down

Romans 12:15
15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those mourn.

How many of us really believe that we are to share in one others joys and sorrows as the apostle Paul wrote? More importantly, how many of us actually practice it? Simon of Cyrene had to help carry the cross when Jesus was too weak to carry his own to Golgotha in Matthew 27. It was actually a symbolism of how we must share in the burdens of others not just their joys. Truthfully, many revel in the mourning of others. They would rather see a person fall than succeed. Yet it is our duty as followers of Christ to hold one another up just as Simon assisted Jesus. As the apostle Paul said, we are one body with many parts and no one part can function on its own. But some mask themselves as having the quality of caring yet it's nothing more than to go behind your back. Some only care to know the details of your life as a way to sabotage you when you are unaware. Everyone who says claims to be for you is not actually for you. It's hard to believe that people would be this way but it goes back to a spirit of jealousy and envy. When you succeed or have something to rejoice about, it may remind others of the choices they have or have not made and therefore turning on you is the way to relinquish themselves of responsibility for the state their lives are in. Then there are others who are excited because you are excited and desire to assist in propelling you forward or are even inspired and encouraged because seeing how the Lord has blessed you reminds them that their blessing will arrive in due time. But when you are in despair, there are some who will earnestly mourn with you. They will cry and pray with you when you need it. While others are only taking pleasure in knowing that you're not at the mountain top. How will you know which is which? That's where the Lord comes in. We are to guard our hearts because it's the wellspring of life as King Solomon says in Proverbs 4:23. Share when the Lord says to share and be quiet when He says to be quiet. We must learn how to listen for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to reveal what He says to reveal. Those that are not who they say they are will tell on themselves sooner or later. It's unfortunate because the act committed against you is actually against God and it's God who one must contend with when any wrong is done to his child. Those that are, God will confirm.

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