Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Unquestionable Loyalty

1Samuel 20:4
4So Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you yourself desire, I will do it for you."
The friendship between Jonathan and David is one that has been covered before and is most popular when discussing godly soul ties or divine connections. But from Jonathan's own lips he declares his loyalty to David though he knew David would be the next king. Let's be honest, how many would really be loyal to someone who was to advance to a position, title or place that by custom or natural birthright would be yours? Remember Saul, Jonathan's father, was the king. By birthright, the next successor was to be Jonathan. The way many people handle their friendships is to jump over, push aside, steal or do whatever they can to get what their 'friend' has that they believe should or at least want to be theirs. But not Jonathan! Jonathan recognized that God chose David and was with him. Any attempts to dupe David was in effect, attempting to dupe God. And how many really want to try to pull a fast one on God? Jonathan's love for David was true and not laced with motives. His love and loyalty for David was unquestionable even to the division between him and his father Saul. Jonathan understood that right was right and wrong was wrong. Though his father, King Saul was his blood, he knew that God was with David and was willing to help David any way he could. That's real friendship and love. This example is what a godly soul tie or divine connection looks like.

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