Monday, July 7, 2014

The Warrior's Arrows

Psalm 127:4
4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
What's the quickest way to handicap a warrior? Destroy their weapons. So the Word of God says that children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. And we know children are a gift from the Lord. So the quickest way for the enemy to destroy anyone, is to destroy their children.
I have provided this statistic before that I received on my first visit to DC's children's advocacy center, Safe Shores, that I am an ambassador for. "1 in 10 children will be sexually abused on or before their 18th birthday." Now, measure that statistic against what the Word of God says and you will see why the issue of childhood sexual abuse is everyone's problem. Over the weekend I saw two crime/cop dramas. One was an American show and one was a British show. I rather enjoy British mysteries and crime shows. For two countries to air shows this weekend on child abuse, what happens when the silence is permitted in families and how it destroys the children was no coincidence. It is the very issue I have been fighting against through my latest book,  Shh Don't Tell  and alongside the children's advocacy center you've heard me speak of repeatedly.
In my interview last month on Village Connector TV, I gave some valuable hints on what to look for in children who have been abused. I also talked about the silence that children are manipulated into. This is why it's important for you as parents, aunts, grandparents, cousins, friends etc to be conscious of the surroundings of children and be diligent yourselves in what to look for so the enemy does not destroy a family's name sake. The quickest way for the enemy to disable you is to grab hold of your children. I am blessed to have survived childhood sexual abuse, not only through therapy as a child, but through the grace of God so I could understand forgiveness and wholeness in Him to have the strength to interview other survivors and write about a subject no one likes to discuss. It's not discussing it, being in denial and not being aware that causes so many children to be eliminated. To get some helpful hints on what to look for, check out my interview on Village Connector TV's Between the Covers for Book Lovers  through the following link:

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