Friday, June 20, 2014

The Separation

Matthew 27:37
37And they put over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Remember that before Pilate the Jews shouted to crucify Jesus. Well the NKJ Study Bible notes that the crucifixion of Jesus is not just documented in the gospels but also by non-Christian writers Tacitus, Josephus, Mara bar Serapion and Thallus. In many PBS programs that research the life of Jesus, the writings of Josephus are often referred to. So even non-Christians admit that Jesus was not made up, nor is His crucifixion a fable. But going back to the Study Bible translation, it notes, "the Jews detested this inhumane act of execution." So if it was a detested practice, why would the Jews elect to have Jesus crucified? In further study, Deuteronomy 21:22-23 records that a man had a to commit a sin deserving of death in order to hang on the tree. But more importantly, that if hanged on a tree, a man had to be taken down immediately because he was hanged in a blessed place. The one hanged was considered to be "accursed of God." In other words, he suffered God's wrath.
What does all this mean you ask? Remember, Jesus said Himself that He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. So his crucifixion was based on the law because He became sin for us, hung on a tree and suffered death so that those who believe Him will have everlasting life. Many may have had the question how was Jesus separated from God. He was considered to have sinned so badly by the Jews for saying He is the Son of God that He suffered what was considered by law the wrath of God. His crucifixion was the separation. How many times has your sin been worthy of death? Because you believe Jesus to have died for the remission of your sins, raised from the dead and repent sincerely by the blood of Jesus, you have everlasting life.

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