Monday, April 14, 2014

It's Bigger Than You

Proverbs 16:18
18Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
God does not like pride no matter who it comes from. Having a prideful attitude takes away from God and if you are unaware, our God is a jealous God. He wants absolutely no one put before Him. What is pride? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines pride as 1) conceit; 2) justifiable self-respect; 3) elation over an act or possession; 4) haughty behavior: DISDAIN; 5) ostentatious display. Haughty is defined as disdainfully proud. In other words, your pride can be so excessive that it is sickening to any and/or everyone. When you have that kind of pride, people are reluctant to talk to you because all you can talk about is you and what you can do. It's as if no one else exists except when it comes to furthering your own agenda. When you possess this kind of pride, it means you believe you must the center of attention. What God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, wants you to know is, it's bigger than you. None of what He blesses you with is even about you. The purpose for the blessings is to be a blessing to another, whether it is through wisdom, talent or anything else, nothing you possess is of your own accord. The NKJ Study Bible gives the translation of this verse as, "The sin of pride is strongly condemned because it violates the first principle of wisdom, which is to fear the Lord. Our abilities, appearances, success, and wealth are not of our own efforts and energy but come from God. The sin of pride is attributing to ourselves that which comes by the mercy and will of God."
So if you come across anyone who tells you God has nothing to do with what they have and they did it all on their own, pray for them and that God may have mercy on their souls. If you notice a behavior of pride when you speak to someone or in their actions towards others, pray for them that they may fear the Lord before God deals with them. 

P.S. Remember to register for the April 19th teleseminar, "Do You Really Want to be a Published Author?" at on the home tab and receive your dial-in information within 24 hours to get your questions answered and hear the testimonials!  You must register before April 18th in order to attend. I have had multiple inquiries over the months from those God has said it's time for them to write a book and/or it's been a goal. When the teleseminar is finished, you will know what to do and the secret the publishing world doesn't want you to know. You will hear not only from me, but from those God blessed me to work with to help steer them in the right direction. It's an open door to help make your dream a reality because there is a message God has give you to share!

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