Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Favorable Outcome

Luke 22:32

32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Before Jesus was arrested He warned Simon Peter that Satan "asked" to test him. Just as Satan asked God if he could "test" Job, so he did the same with Simon Peter. OH BUT GOD! God had his fail proof plan in place! His fail proof plan was Jesus! Jesus had already interceded on Simon Peter's behalf. For He said, "And when you have turned back", as indication that Simon Peter would stumble a little but he would not be hopeless. And after Simon Peter's test, his instructions were clear, strengthen the others.

Do you know that because God loves you, thinks the world of you and has plans for you, you are an enemy to Satan? You are an enemy to Satan because you seek to honor God with your life. So what is Satan's motive? His motive is to prove that you are not who you claim to be to God. His motive is to also take your future. How so? With a test. The purpose of the test is to show that you don't deserve whatever it is God has waiting for you. But the devil is a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's why God allows you to be tested. God's purpose is to show that you ARE who He says you are. God's purpose is to show that your faith is stronger than what the devil can see! And when you have turned back, your instructions are clear, strengthen your brothers and sisters in Christ. Let them know that just because they're in the test, doesn't mean they are doomed to fail. God believes enough in you that He sent Jesus to intercede on your behalf and believes in you so He expects and sees a favorable outcome.

P.S. Remember to check out my man V of the Artist to Artist Show on Mondays and Saturdays on and listen for the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!

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