Monday, January 21, 2013

Your Destiny Is Victory

John 12:27

27"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.

Can you imagine knowing that the whole purpose of your life was to die for someone else? Can you imagine knowing that your physical life would be short? Can you imagine the amount of courage it took for Jesus to walk into His destiny for the sake of the world? Satan actually thought that he was defeating God when Jesus went to the cross. But the story didn't end there! THANK YOU JESUS! Three days later, Jesus got up from death, walked, talked and ate with the disciples before going back to the Father to send us the Holy Spirit. His destiny wasn't failure. His destiny IS victory! Guess what?  Your destiny is victory too. Many shy away from fulfilling their destiny due to fear of failure. But you cannot fail when you are walking in the direction Jesus has left footprints on. You cannot fail when in Jesus because His very DNA is victory. How can you fail with the one who stood at the right hand of God and created the world we live in? Your destiny is greater than any stone anyone can throw, including the enemy himself. Your destiny is greater than your past. Your destiny is actually, even greater than you. Why?Because your destiny, like that of Jesus, is never fully just for you. Your destiny is meant to impact others. Your destiny is meant to leave a mark. You don't have to have your name in lights to be a light when you're in Jesus. All you have to do is be who He said you are and go where He tells you to go. Your destiny is victory! WALK IN IT!

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